Provides possibility to communicate clients and bank support managers. All messages go through AFC (Anti-Financial Crime - external dependency isolated through the docker container) before reaching the manager.
To run commands need to install Task.
$ git clone
$ cd chat-service
$ cp .env.example .env
$ cp configs/config.example.toml configs/config.toml
# Start docker containers
$ task deps
# Start backend service - debug server accessible at http://localhost:8079/
$ go run cmd/chat-service/main.go
# Start ui-client - accessible at http://localhost:3000/
$ go run cmd/ui-client/main.go
# Start ui-manager - accessible at http://localhost:3001/
$ go run cmd/ui-manager/main.go
# Run unit tests
$ task tests
# Run integration tests
$ task tests:integration
# Run e2e tests
$ task tests:e2e
# Generate dependency graph
$ task gen:deps-graph