This is a small application to shuffle a deck of cards in C# using .Net 5.0 and Windows Forms. You can copy and compare decks and there are two implementations of shuffles.
- Download and install VS 2019 (Desktop Environment addon to do windows forms, tested with Community Edition).
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Load the solution and project "DeckShuffler".
- Run 'DeckShuffler' on the top bar.
- Clear Deck - Clears the current deck off the screen.
- Copy Deck - Copies the current deck for use in comparing decks.
- Load Deck - Loads the currently copied deck for use in comparing.
- Compare Deck - Compares the current copied deck to the current deck in play.
- Draw Card - Draws a single card.
- Draw 5 Cards - Draws 5 cards.
- Draw 10 Cards - Draws 10 cards.
- Flip All Cards - Flips all the cards. (They are still considered not drawn, so drawing more cards returns to the "Drawn" state.)
- Shuffle - This does an optimal shuffle.
- Alt Shuffle - This does an alternate less than optimal shuffle.
Center Board: This is the main view comprised of PictureBox's for the representation of the cards in the deck.
Top Left Board: This is the Copied Deck board view comprised of PictureBox's for the representation of the copied deck cards.