The objective of these examples is to demonstrate how to handle unicode (UTF-8, etc.) string conversion and comparison.
git clone
cd examples
g++ -g -Wall -o string-converter string-converter.cpp -L/opt/boost/lib -lboost_system -lboost_locale -std=c++11
VS Code Extension: Remote - Containers, for connecting with a docker container
VS Code Extension: C/C++, for editing and debugging C++ code
Open the folder in VS Code, execute the command "Remote-Containers: OpenFolder in Container...", and then wait for it to build and run the docker image.
Once you are inside the docker container, you can use the commans that you would use on a Linux system to build and run the examples.
See more details about how to run C++ programs in a docker container at: cairomm-pangomm-on-linux-docker.