Support Generation for Robot-Assisted 3D Printing with Curved Layers. paper link
Please compile the code with QMake file ##
Platform: Windows + Visual Studio 2019 + QT-plugin (tested QT version: 5.12.3 + msvc2017_64)
Install Steps:
- Install Visual Studio Extension plug-in (QT VS Tool) to open the .pro file and generate the project
- Set 'shapeLab' as the start up project
- Enable OpenMP to get best performace at: ShapeLab Project Property -> 'Configuration Proerties' -> c/c++ -> Language -> Open MP Support -> Select 'Yes (/openmp)'
- Open Console at: ShapeLab Project Property -> 'Configuration Proerties' -> Linker -> System -> Select 'Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)' in 'SubSystem'
**Step 1: ** Click button '1. Read Data'.
The tetrahedron model and scalar field will be loaded. There are four models are prepared with name as "connector2", "bridge", "topopt" and "dome"
Input the needed value in the boxs for modification (there are already pre-setted) Click button 'Update'.
The initially loaded model might be not in the appropriate position or orientation.
The boxes for Xm, Ym and Zm means the 'move' along the corresponding axis for the input milimeters.
The boxes for Xr, Yr and Zr means the 'rotation' around the corresponding axis for the input degree angle.
**Step 2: ** Click button '2. Read Support Space'.
- The envelop of model will be loaded, which is compatible with model and the boundary is stritly aligned togather.
**Step 3: ** Click button '3. Transfer Field to Support Space'.
- The field information will be transfered on the the envelop of model by extrapolation.
**Step 4: ** Click button '4. Layer generation'.
- The compatible layers will be generated and the number of model layer is decided by layer num.
**Step 5: **
- Remesh the surface layer ( python + meshlab 2022.02 ) -- source directory: ../DataSet/temp/remesh/compatible_layers -- double click "" to do remesh -- So, the files of the layers (.obj) for the model will be saved in the following folder '../DataSet/temp/remesh/compatible_layers/output'
**Step 1: ** Click button '1. Read Data'.
- The tetrahedron model and scalar field will be loaded. Read the same model as previous part. Then click button 'Update'.
**Step 2: ** Click button '2. Generate Support Skeleton'.
- The tree skeleton will be generated from the overhang faces of model and converted to the bottom.
**Step 3: ** Click button '3. Extract Slim Support Layers'.
- The slimed support will be generateed according to the tree skeleton shape.
**remesh: **
- Remesh the surface layer ( python + meshlab 2022.02 ) -- source directory: ../DataSet/temp/remesh/slimed_layers -- double click "" to do remesh -- So, the files of the layers (.obj) for the model will be saved in the following folder '../DataSet/temp/remesh/slimed_layers/output'
**Step 4: ** Click button '4. Contour Toolpath Generation'.
- input width and distance in the boxes
for 'Display'
By inputting the number of layer in the 'show' box, It will display the layers from 0 to the inputted number.
By ticking the checkbox each, it will only display the individual layer of the inputted number.
By clicking the button ** All**, it will display the whole model.
Remesh the surface layer ( python + meshlab 2022.02 ) to make the layer sparse and speed up the calculation of layer height for extrusion volume calculation -- source directory: ../DataSet/temp/robotWpGeneration; -- double click "" to do remesh. -- So, the files of the layers (.obj) for the model will be saved in the following folder '../DataSet/FABRICATION/modelName/layer_Simplified'
In the 'Model' box, input the folder name of the needed model, which is stored at : '../DataSet/temp/robotWpGeneration/layer_Simplified' and '../DataSet/temp/robotWpGeneration/TOOL_PATH'
Step 5: Click button '5. Waypoint generation UR5e'.
- The code which contains the position, normal of waypoints and extrustion volume and material information. It is used for the UR robot.
Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Yuming Huang, Neelotpal Dutta, Sylvain Lefebvre, Zekai Murat Kilic, and Charlie C.L. Wang, S3-Slicer: A General Slicing Framework for Multi-Axis 3D Printing, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), vol.41, no.6, article no.277 (15 pages), December 2022
Please refer to link for more details.