A module that provides support for fractions and rational number arithmetic
import { Rat } from "https://deno.land/x/rat/mod.ts";
0.1 + 0.2; // 0.30000000000000004
Rat("0.1").add("0.2"); // 3/10
1 / 49 * 49; // 0.9999999999999999
Rat("1").div(49).mul(49); // 1/1
import { Rat } from "https://deno.land/x/rat/mod.ts";
const two = Rat("2"); // 2/1
const oneHalf = Rat("1/2"); // 1/2
const oneQuarter = Rat("0.25"); // 1/4
const a = Rat("-2/10"); // -1/5
const b = Rat(3n, -4n); // -3/4
Note that Rat
instances are immutable and canonical. Rat
uses BigInt
internally to represent rational numbers as numerator / denominator.
interface RatInstance {
/** The numerator of `this` in lowest term. */
readonly num: bigint;
/** The denominator of `this` in lowest term; it is always > 0. */
readonly denom: bigint;
/** -1 if `this < 0`; 0 if `this = 0`; 1 if `this > 0` */
readonly sign: -1 | 0 | 1;
/** Return `|this|` */
abs(): Rat;
/** Return `-this` */
neg(): Rat;
/** Return `1 / this` */
inv(): Rat;
/** Return `this + r` */
add(r: Rat | bigint | number | string): Rat;
/** Return `this - r` */
sub(r: Rat | bigint | number | string): Rat;
/** Return `this * r` */
mul(r: Rat | bigint | number | string): Rat;
/** Return `this / r` */
div(r: Rat | bigint | number | string): Rat;
/** Return -1 if `this < r`; 0 if `this = r`; 1 if `this > r` */
cmp(r: Rat | bigint | number | string): -1 | 0 | 1;
/** Return the greatest int `<= this` */
floor(): bigint;
/** Return the power of `this`, raised to `exp` */
pow(exp: bigint | number | string): Rat;
interface RatConstructor {
/** Rat("0") */
zero: Rat;
/** Rat("1") */
one: Rat;
(value: Rat | bigint | number | string): Rat;
(num: bigint | number | string, denom: bigint | number | string): Rat;
isRat(r: unknown): r is Rat;