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architecture operating system ip address hostname slurm version slurm config file
x86_64 Ubuntu 19.04 zhiyuanWorkstation 18.08 /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf
x86_64 Ubuntu 19.04 zhoutianWorkstation 18.08 /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf
armhf Raspbian 8 raspberrypi 18.08 /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf
armhf Raspbian 10 raspberrypi2 18.08 /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf

zhiyuanWorkstation is the manage node.

You can change the computer hostnames to suit your need, See How to change hostnames.

Test User

The user john exist on all computers list above.

username passwd uid gid exist
zhaofengt fengzhao 1010 1010 local
zhiyuant qinghua2019 1011 1011 local
john 123456 10000 5000 ldap

zhaofengt is the user with sudo privilege on manage node. You can login to the computers through ssh if you are on the 15th floor of C2, Nanshan Park.

How to create user with the same UID and GID on same machine?

With the example user zhaofengt and UID = GID = 1010, the command is as follows:

sudo groupadd -g 1010 zhaofengt
sudo useradd -d /home/zhaofengt -g zhaofengt -u 1010 -s /bin/bash -m zhaofengt
sudo passwd zhaofengt

Test Command

On manage node, use the following command to test that the whole system works.

srun -w zhaofengLapTop hostname
srun -w raspberrypi,raspberrypi2 /bin/hostname
sbatch --array=0-9

The content of is as follows:

python3 -c "import time;time.sleep(30)"

Known Issues

  • firewalld should be disabled on all machines.
  • IP addresses may change when you setup the whole system next time. Modify slurm.conf and DNS forward zone file correspondingly.


Ideally, we should have a router, many wired lines and 4 computers. However, Resources are limited. We do not have control over the router and we do not have so many computers. What we have is an environment of intranet, an old laptop with Fedora, a PC with CentOS and several Rasberry Pi 3B. Reinstalling the OS is time consuming and we omit this step. As a result, we use heterogeneous architecture to build our cluster test environment.

  1. Make sure all the nodes are physically connected in an intranet. To easy the configuration, the ssh server should be opened on all the nodes. The service name is called sshd on RHEL and ssh on Raspbian. The package name is called openssh-server on all distributions. Create users zhaofengt and zhiyuant on all nodes. Make sure the users have the same UID and GID on different nodes.

  2. The /etc/munge/munge.key file should be the same on all machines with 200 mode and user, group as munge. Also, do not forget to restart munge daemon.

  3. Install slurmctld on manage node and slurmd on compute node. The version of slurmctld and slurmd may not be exactly the same, as announced by slurm official. Since Debian 10 has officially packaged 18.8, we just install slurmd on Debian 10 using apt without compiling from source code. However, for Debian 8 the version is only 14. Therefore we should compile 19.5 from source code. Actually we do the compilation on the board (instead virtual machine) and notice that it is slow process.

  4. The configuration file is generated using configurator.easy. For our configuration, we use root to start slurmctld. That is, SlurmUser=root. We use Cgroup to track the process; therefore cgroup.conf should exist in the same directory of slurm.confon all nodes.

  5. Install slurmdbd package and download slurmdbd.conf to directory /etc/slurm-llnl/. Start slurmdbd daemon and use the following command to create the cluster:

    sacctmgr add cluster test-cluster

    Then start the slurmctld daemon. Also, you should install mariadb-server and create the database user by entering mysql interative shell sudo mysql:

    create user 'slurm'@'localhost' identified by 'slurm';
    grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'localhost';
    flush privileges;
  6. Other utilities can help administrators to manage the cluster. For example, we use ssh key to make ssh raspberrypi without password prompt; We setup a DNS server. The service name is bind9, same to the package name, the configuration file is at /etc/bind/named.conf.

    setup file of forward zone can be found at this repository ( This zone file should be put in directory pointed by option directory in named.conf (which is /var/cache/bind directory) Also remember to add the following entry to named.conf or its included file:

    zone "cluster.local" IN {
         type master;
         file "";

    The DNS server is used to map the hostname to its ip address. To achieve this, we need add the DNS server entry in /etc/resolv.conf.

    search cluster.local

    For other machines to use manage node as dns server, change the nameserver to

    We also use the pdsh utility (with gender database) to execute commands on multiple nodes. The test command is pdsh -A python3 --version. With this command, the output is as follows:

     [zhaofengt@zhiyuanWorkstation ~]$ pdsh -A python3 --version
     raspberrypi: Python 3.4.2
     zhaofengLaptop: Python 3.7.3
     raspberrypi2: Python 3.7.3

    Since the official package of pdsh on CentOS 7 does not support gender backend. We need to compile pdsh from source code and add export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh in our admin .bashrc.

job Queue

zhaofeng's laptop only has two physical cpus. The number of logical cpus is 4 due to hyperthreading. Only two jobs are allowed to run simultaneously. The third job should wait.


If one node get unexpected reboot, the node state is still down even after slurmd daemon is running properly on this node. To fix this problem, run the following command on manage node (suppose the problem is with node raspberrypi2):

sudo scontrol update nodename=raspberrypi2 state=idle

Further experiment

With the test environment, we can submit some test jobs and observe the queue behaviour with squeue. We also test the job array functionality in our test environment.

How to setup the hardware again on the 15th floor

You need 4 workstation positions. One should be relatively stable, which is used as manage node. We recommend to use desktop computer as manage node. For the other three computing nodes. You can three raspberrypi. Each "pi" should be powered and connected to the local network by network cable.


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