Library for WebGPU-Compute
- npm install
- npm run dev
> Local: https://localhost:3000/
> Network:
Open the above URL in Chrome canary. Note: Must enable https, otherwise webgpu won't work
function gpu_smm_naive(A,B,C){
return `
// C[M, N] = A[M, K] * B[K, N]
var M:u32 = this.uniform.MNK.x;
var N:u32 = this.uniform.MNK.y;
var K:u32 = this.uniform.MNK.z;
// Compute a single element C[thread.y, thread.x] by looping over k
var sum:f32 = 0.0;
for (var k:u32 = 0u; k < K; k = k+1u)
sum = sum + A[thread.y * K + k] * B[k * N + thread.x];
// Store the result
C[thread.y*N + thread.x] = sum;
await (async function(kernel_name) {
var X = 512, Y = 512, Z = 1;
let webCS = await WebCS.create({width:X, height:Y});
// or let webCS = await WebCS.create({canvas:$("#canvas2GPU")[0]});
// cpuC = cpuA * cpuB
var M = 64, N = 64, K = 64;
var createArray = function(n) {
var buf = new Float32Array(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
buf[i] = Math.random();
return buf;
let cpuA = createArray(M * K);
let cpuB = createArray(K * N);
let cpuC = createArray(M * N);
// groups is optional
// local_size is mandatory
let cs_smm_naive = webCS.createShader(gpu_smm_naive, { local_size: [8, 8, 1], groups: [M / 8, N / 8, 1] });
const t0 =;
// or await, cpuB, cpuC, M / 8, N / 8, 1, { 'MNK': [M, N, K, 0] });
// or await (cs_smm_naive.setGroups(M / 8, N / 8, 1)).run(cpuA, cpuB, cpuC, { 'MNK': [M, N, K, 0] });
await, cpuB, cpuC, { 'MNK': [M, N, K, 0] });
const t1 =;
let t = t1 - t0;
cpuC = await cs_smm_naive.getData('C', 'float');
function gpu_texture2(src, dst){
return `
var pos:vec2<u32> = vec2<u32>(thread.xy);
// vec4 pixel = imageLoad(src, pos); or vec4 pixel = src[pos]
var pixel:vec4<f32> = src[pos.y][pos.x];
var invert:vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(1.0 - pixel.x, 1.0 - pixel.y, 1.0 - pixel.z, 1.0);
// imageStore(dst, pos, invert); or dst[pos] = invert;
dst[pos.y][pos.x] = invert;
await (async function(kernel_name) {
var X = 512, Y = 512, Z = 1;
let webCS = await WebCS.create({width:X, height:Y});
// or let webCS = await WebCS.create({canvas:$("#canvas2GPU")[0]});
// groups is optional
// local_size is mandatory
let tex_kernel = webCS.createShader(gpu_texture2,
{ local_size: [8, 8, 1], groups: [X / 8, Y / 8, 1], params: { src: 'texture', 'dst': 'texture' } });
let texSrc = $('#image000')[0];
// or await (tex_kernel.setGroups(X / 8, Y / 8, 1)).run(texSrc, null);
// or await, null, X / 8, Y / 8, 1);
await, null);
let tex = tex_kernel.getTexture('dst');
A compute kernel is created by webCS.createShader(kernel_function, settings) from kernel_function;
input type for a kernel:
- js TypedArray , such as Float32Array
- WebGLBuffer
- WebGLTexture
- HTMLImageElement
- HTMLCanvasElement
- getBuffer(argument_name) to return the WebGLBuffer
- e.g. let glBufferC = cs_sgemm.getBuffer('C');
- getData(argument_name, typedarrary_or_num_type) to return a typedarray
- e.g. let result = cs_sgemm.getData('C', 'float');
- e.g. let result = new Float32Array(64*64); cs_sgemm.getData('C', result);
- use this.uniform. as prefix for any uniform in GLSL shader string.
* Dispatch Compute Kernel
* @param {} arg - a list of shader arguments, such as run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn)
* @param {unfold_of_vec3} groups_xyz - optional, the size of work group, such as run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, groups_x, groups_y, groups_z)
* @param {{}} uniform - optional, uniform , such as run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, groups_x, groups_y, groups_z, {uniform_name:uniform[0,1,2,3]})
* @example
* run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn)
* run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, groups_x, groups_y, groups_z)
* run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, groups_x, groups_y, groups_z, {uniform_name:uniform[0,1,2,3]})
* run(arg0, arg1, ..., argn, {uniform_name:uniform[0,1,2,3]})
Code is under MIT license