In the x10 language, for the National University of Singapore's CS3211 module.
This is the master branch.
- Get the latest version from SourceForge.
- Add these to your
.export PATH=$PATH:"path/to/x10-2.6.2_linux_x86_64/bin/"
git clone
cd smith-waterman
- To avoid badly formatted stdout, redirect to file.
This command short circuits if there are any compilation errors.
x10c++ SmithWaterman.x10 \ && ./a.out sequences/p53_human.fasta,v sequences/p53_mouse.fasta,v \ matrices/BLOSUM62,v 5 1 > out \ && cat out
- From Wikipedia's gap example.
x10c++ SmithWaterman.x10 \ && ./a.out sequences/wiki_gap1.fasta,v sequences/wiki_gap2.fasta,v \ matrices/EDNAFULL,v 5 1 > out \ && cat out
- From [Wikipedia's subst example].
x10c++ SmithWaterman.x10 \ && ./a.out sequences/wiki_subst1.fasta,v sequences/wiki_subst2.fasta,v \ matrices/wiki_DNA3,v 0 2 > out \ && cat out