1. Disable load so in your app code.
2. Porting Dynamic Link Library.
If you use the Linux operating system that is the most simple, just get the
x86-64(Depending on your cpu architecture)
's so file, and add the dependency so library(Found in the ndk-bundle, platforms folder). -
If you use the masOS operating system, you need to do a little more work. And you should have the native so library source code, and compile it under macOS system:
# .o
cc -c -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers *.cpp
# get xxx.dylib
g++ -dynamiclib -undefined suppress -flat_namespace *.o -o something.dylib
- Windows is similar.
3. Load so library in your RobolectricApplication.
End, run your test case, well done:
Sample code: RobolectricSupportNativeLibs
blog - http://rocko.xyz/2016/11/27/Android-Robolectric-加载运行本地-so-动态库/