ESBMC (the Efficient SMT-based Bounded Model Checker) is a mature, permissively licensed open-source context-bounded model checker for verifying single- and multithreaded C/C++ programs. It can verify both predefined safety properties (e.g., bounds check, pointer safety, overflow) and user-defined program assertions automatically. ESBMC supports the Clang compiler as its C/C++ frontend, IEEE floating-point arithmetic for a variety of SMT solvers, and implements a state-of-the-art k-induction algorithm.
To build ESBMC, please see the BUILDING file. For getting started, we recommend first reading some of the background material / publications, to understand exactly what this technique can provide, for example our SV-COMP tool papers, which are available at online.
The cannonical public location of ESBMCs source is on github:
While our main website is
ESBMC aims to support all of C99/C11, and detects errors in software by simulating a finite prefix of the program execution with all possible inputs. Classes of problems that can be detected include:
- User specified assertion failures
- Out of bounds array access
- Illegal pointer dereferences, such as:
- Dereferencing null
- Performing an out-of bounds dereference
- Double-free of malloc'd memory
- Misaligned memory access
- Integer overflows
- Divide by zero
- Memory leaks
Concurrent software (using the pthread api) is verified by explicit exploration of interleavings, producing one symbolic execution per interleaving. By default only normal errors will be checked for; one can also specify options to check concurrent programs for:
- Deadlock (only on pthread mutexes and convars)
- Data races (i.e. competing writes)
By default ESBMC performs a "lazy" depth first search of interleavings -- it can also encode (explicitly) all interleavings into a single SMT formula.
A number of SMT solvers are currently supported:
- Z3 4.8+
- Bitwuzla
- Boolector 3.0+
- MathSAT
- CVC4
- Yices 2.2+
In addition, ESBMC can be configured to use the SMTLIB interactive text format with a pipe, to communicate with an arbitary solver process, although not-insignificant overheads are involved.
A limited subset of C++98 is supported too -- a library modelling the STL is also available.
ESBMC is a fork of CBMC v2.9 (2008), the C Bounded Model Checker. The primary differences between the two are:
- CBMC focuses on SAT-based encodings of unrolled programs while ESBMC targets SMT-based encodings.
- CBMC's concurrency support is an entirely symbolic encoding of a concurrent program in one SAT formulae, while ESBMC explores each interleaving individually.
- CBMC uses a modified C parser written by James Roskind and a C++ parser based on OpenC++, while ESBMC relies on the Clang front-end.
- CBMC implements k-induction, requiring three different calls: to generate the CFG, to annotate the program, and to verify it, whereas ESBMC handles the whole process in a single call. Additionally, CBMC does not have a forward condition to check if all states were reached and relies on a limited loop unwinding.
- ESBMC adds some additional types to the program's internal representation.
ESBMC has now been released as open source software -- mainly distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. ESBMC contains a signficant amount of other peoples software, however, please see the COPYING file for an explanation of who-owns-what, and under what terms they are distributed.
We'd be extremely happy to receive contributions to make ESBMC better (under the terms of the Apache License 2.0). If you'd like to submit anything, please file a pull request against the public github repo. General discussion and release announcements will be made via GitHub. To contact us about research or collaboration, please post an issue in GitHub.
Currently, we don't have a good guide for getting started with ESBMC, although we hope to improve this in the future. Examining some of the benchmarks in the SV-COMP competition ( would be a good start, using the esbmc command line for the relevant competition year.
Here are some steps to contributing to the code base:
- Compile and execute esbmc. Building
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository git clone
- Create a branch from the master branch (default branch)
- Make your changes
- Check the formatting with clang-format (use Clang 9)
- Push your changes to your branch
- Create a Pull Request targeting the master branch
Here is an example to prepare a pull request (PR)
A) Make sure that you are in the master
branch and your fork is updated.
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git pull --rebase upstream master
git push origin HEAD:master
Note that if you have not yet setup the upstream
, you need to type the following command:
git remote add upstream
B) Create a local branch (e.g., model-pthread-create
) from the master
git checkout -b model-pthread-equal --track master
C) Add your changes via commits to the local branch:
git add path-to-file/file.cpp
git commit -sm "added opertational model for pthread_equal"
Note that you can check your changes via git status
Note also that every PR should contain at least two test cases
to check your implementation: one successful and one failed test case.
D) Push your changes in the local branch to the ESBMC repository:
git push origin model-pthread-equal
New contributors can check issues marked with good first issue
by clicking here.
A limited number of classes have been marked up with doxygen documentation headers. Comments are put in the header files declaring classes and methods. HTML documation can be generated by running:
doxygen .doxygen
Output will be in docs/html, open index.html to get started.