Releases: zhenlab-ltri/TrackStim
Releases · zhenlab-ltri/TrackStim
TrackStim-Behaviour 1.0.0
Initial release of TrackStim for behaviour analysis
Full change list
What's new
The UI has been simplified and specialized for behaviour analysis
Legacy TrackStim Fixes
Common issues in the old version of TrackStim have been fixed:
- fixed shaking issue when tracking
- fixed stimulator tasks still running after pressing the stop button
- improved general stability and performance
Improved Tracking Performance
- new UI controls make it easier to track worms (roi selector, threshold slider)
Data Output
- stimulator values and stage positions per frame are output as csv files in the image save directory
- general metadata such as the arguments used for the job are found in job-args.txt
TrackStim 1.7.1
Fixes the issue where live mode would stop after track stim finishes an image acquisition.
TrackStim 1.7.0 - Working Stimulator MM1.4 (Mac OS X 10.7)
- stimulator connects to the system
- stimulator can schedule signals to turn on/off the LED at various times and strength levels
- code readability improvements
- initial code architecture/modularization improvements
- documentation and organized software dependencies added to the repository to make it easier to install everything
- better build scripts
- organized micro manager configs
TrackStim 1.6.0 - MM1.4 (Mac OS X 10.7)
Working release for the legacy Track Stim system
- compatible with Micro-Manager 1.4
Minor - fix display flashing issue #12
Track Stim Legacy 1.5 (Precise java dependencies, remove unused statement)
- more precise java import statements (e.g. import java.util.x instead of java.util.*)
Track Stim Legacy 1.4 (Logging improvements)
Improves logging and error handling in track stim legacy to make it easier to understand program behaviour
Track Stim Legacy
This is a build/release of the legacy code on the zhen lab mac machine.
- it runs on old hardware (mac 10.5)
- it is not compatible with older versions of micromanager
- the old mac does not have git
How To Use this Release
- There are two main files inside this release:
- TrackStim.jar
- testconfig_121214_01.cfg
The test config is used to recognize the xy motorized stage, and the hamamatsu camera for micromanager 1.3/
The jar file needs to be copied to the imageJ plugins folder of the micro manager installation in the lab machine.