LTR_retriever is a command line program (in Perl) for accurate identification of LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) from outputs of LTRharvest, LTR_FINDER, and/or MGEScan-LTR and generating non-redundant LTR-RT library for genome annotations.
To run LTR_retriever you need to provide the paths to the following dependent programs.
- makeblastdb, blastn, and blastx in the BLAST+ package (,
- cd-hit-est in the CDHIT package ( OR blastclust in the BLAST package (,
- hmmsearch in the HMMER package (, and
- RepeatMasker (
Simply modify the 'paths' file in the same directory In your terminal, type:
vi /your_path_to/LTR_retriever/paths
Then modify lines below:
BLAST=/your_path_to/BLAST2.2.26/bin/ #not required if CDHIT provided`
Two types of inputs are needed for LTR_retriever
- Genomic sequence
- LTR-RT candidates
LTR_retriever takes multiple LTR-RT candidate inputs including the screen output of LTRharvest, the screen output of LTR_FINDER, and the candidate output of MGEScan-LTR. Users need to obtain the input file(s) from the aforementioned programs before running LTR_retriever. Either a single input source or a combination of multiple inputs are acceptable. For more details and examples please see the manual.
The output of LTR_retriever includes:
- A summary table for the identified intact LTR-RTs with coordinate and structural information (.pass.list)
- A non-redundant LTR-RT library (exemplar) in the FASTA format (.LTRlib.fa)
- A redundant LTR-RT library in the FASTA format (.LTRlib.redundant.fa)
- A GFF3 format file for all intact LTR-RTs (.pass.list.gff3)
- A GFF format file for the whole-genome LTR-RT annotation (.gff)
- A table for the LTR Assembly Index (.LAI)
LTR_retriever -genome genomefile -inharvest LTRharvest_input [options]
For more details about the usage and parameter settings, please see the help page of LTR_retriever by running: ./LTR_retriever -h Or refer to the manual document.
For questions and Issues Please See: