IMPORTANT: This is a continuation of a project not mine, abandoned from 2008 Renpygame (not working). Currently compared to 2008, it is not possible to directly use the pygame_sdl2 library, especially to "draw".
Renpygame is a framework that allows pygame games to be integrated with Ren'Py. It's intended for people who are capable programmers.
The idea is to create a library that uses pygame_sdl2 and overrides functions that can be handled by the renpy library.
The big problem is that the mode for drawing is very different. The only way I found was to use CDD and use that events to draw and update an element.
Use of events to draw limits a lot -> you can't create loops to update a renpy.Displayable -> that's why you can't copy and paste a game, but modify it slightly.
# Basic command to download projects from git
git clone
# IMPORTANT -> Will add the libraries needed to run the program
cd Renpygame
git submodule update --init --recursive
(Add topics renpygame
to add it to the list)
pygame-renpygame's pros:
- You can use pygame and renpy functions
- huge number of minigames on github
- popularity (pygame is also often used in universities)
- typification (I am endeavouring to add the type everywhere)
renpy's pros:
- durability (CDD is developed by the same developer as renpy)
(I don't made any tests for now) Renpygame use CDD for draw and renpy for open a file, but I use a typification and is a external library. So, the performance is the same as renpy, excluding possible implementation errors.
I recommend the following ways to include it in your project:
- Pull branch (to insert it into your game and update it easily)
- Fork (to improve the repo or create a Toolkit based on mine)
- Manually (not recommended)
To insert or update the Toolkit in your repo with Pull branch I recommend the following procedure:
(only if you want to insert the repo) Create a new empty branch, in the example I'll use renpygame
git checkout -b renpygame
git checkout renpygame
git config pull.rebase false
git pull tool-only --allow-unrelated-histories
git submodule update --remote
At the end make a merge inside the arm of the project.
A good number of functions should already work even if they have not yet been tested
- renpygame.color
- renpygame.constants (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.cursors (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.display (Incomplete)
- renpygame.display.Surface
- renpygame.draw
- renpygame.event (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.font
- renpygame.image (Incomplete)
- renpygame.joystick
- renpygame.key (Incomplete)
- renpygame.locals (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.mixer (Incomplete)
- (Incomplete)
- renpygame.mouse (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.rect
- renpygame.sprite (Incomplete)
- renpygame.time (Still to be tested, should already be working)
- renpygame.transform (Incomplete)