You have to create a set of APIs with native PHP7 or using a framework, allowing a consumer to create their own wishlist and add products.
In addition, please develop a command (CLI) able to export on CSV file the wishlist of all users. CSV file format: user;title wishlist;number of items
The project must run through a docker and be testable through unit tests.
Load the project on github or send it as a zip.
Bonus: protect the routes with the authentication.
Time limit: 1 week / 10 days - asap is better :)
My project is built using Laravel 7.x, MariaDB 10.4, Composer and PHP7.4 (fpm), Nginx.
To build the project to a docker container run into the main project dir:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
To initialize Laravel after docker image were built:
cp src/.env-docker.example src/.env
docker-compose exec php /usr/local/bin/composer install
docker-compose exec php php artisan key:generate
docker-compose exec php php artisan migrate
To run tests:
docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phpunit
To list available APIs:
docker-compose exec php php artisan route:list
To seed the DB to try CSV export:
docker-compose exec php php artisan db:seed --class WishlistSeeder
To execute CSV export:
docker-compose exec php php artisan report:csv prova.csv
Then you'll find a file called prova.csv
into the local src/
dir (or you can check the docker volume).
This test is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.