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5. APIs

jack edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 1 revision


.frame(frameCntl, manufCode, seqNum, cmd, zclPayload[, clusterId])

Generate the raw packet of a ZCL command. Please see Section 2.3.1 General ZCL Frame Format in specification for more information.


  1. frameCntl (Object): Frame control. Details of each property are given with the following table:

    Property Type Mandatory Description
    frameType 2-bit required Frame type.
    manufSpec 1-bit required Manufacturer specific.
    direction 1-bit required Direction.
    disDefaultRsp 1-bit required Disable default response.
  2. manufCode (Number): Manufacturer code, which is an uint16 integer. This field is ignored if frameCntl.manufSpec is 0.

  3. seqNum (Number): Sequence number, which is a uint8 integer.

  4. cmd (String | Number): Command id of which command packet you'd like to build.

  5. zclPayload (Object | Array): ZCL payload depending on the given command.

  6. clusterId (String | Number): Cluster id. Must be given if frameCntl.frameType is 1 (functional command packet).


  • (Buffer): Raw buffer of the ZCL packet.


  • Generate a ZCL foundation command packet
// foundation command: 'write'
var foundFrameCntl = {
        frameType: 0,  // Command acts across the entire profile (foundation)
        manufSpec: 0,
        direction: 0,
        disDefaultRsp: 0
    foundPayload = [
        { attrId: 0x1234, dataType: 0x41, attrData: 'hello' },
        { attrId: 0xabcd, dataType: 0x24, attrData: [ 100, 2406 ] }

var foundBuf = zcl.frame(foundFrameCntl, 0, 0, 'write', foundPayload);
  • Generate a ZCL functional command packet
// functional command: 'add', cluster: 'genGroups'(0x0004)
var funcFrameCntl = {
        frameType: 1,  // Command is specific to a cluster (functional)
        manufSpec: 1,
        direction: 0,
        disDefaultRsp: 0
    funcPayload = {
        groupid: 0x0001,
        groupname: 'group1'

var funcBuf = zcl.frame(funcFrameCntl, 0xaaaa, 1, 'add', funcPayload, 0x0004);

.parse(zclBuf[, clusterId], callback)

Parse a ZCL packet into a data object.


  1. zclBuf (Buffer): ZCL raw packet to be parsed.

  2. clusterId (String | Number): Cluster id. Must be given if zclBuf is a functional command.

  3. callback (Function): function (err, result) {...}. Get called when the ZCL packet is parsed. The result is a data object with following properties:

    Property Type Description
    frameCntl Object Frame type.
    manufCode Number Manufacturer code.
    seqNum Number Sequence number.
    cmdId String Command id.
    payload Object | Object[] ZCL payload.


  • none


  • Parse a foundation command packet.
var foundBuf = new Buffer([
    0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x34, 0x12, 0x41, 0x05, 0x68,
    0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x24, 0x66,
    0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64

zcl.parse(foundBuf, function(err, result) {
    if (!err)

    // The parsed result is an object
    // {
    //     frameCntl: { frameType: 0, manufSpec: 0, direction: 0, disDefaultRsp: 0 },
    //     manufCode: 0,
    //     seqNum: 0,
    //     cmdId: 'write',
    //     payload: [ 
    //         { attrId: 4660, dataType: 65, attrData: 'hello' },
    //         { attrId: 43981, dataType: 36, attrData: [ 100, 2406 ] }
    //     ]
    // }
  • Parse a functional command packet.
var funcBuf = new Buffer([
    0x05, 0xaa, 0xaa , 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06,
    0x67, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x31

zcl.parse(funcBuf, 0x0004, function(err, result) {
    if (!err)

    // The parsed result is an object
    // {
    //     frameCntl: { frameType: 1, manufSpec: 1, direction: 0, disDefaultRsp: 0 },
    //     manufCode: 43690,
    //     seqNum: 1,
    //     cmdId: 'add',
    //     payload: {
    //         groupid: 1,
    //         groupname: 'group1'
    //     }
    // }


Parse the ZCL header only.


  1. zclBuf (Buffer): ZCL header buffer to be parsed.


  • (Object): ZCL header data.


var zclBuf = new Buffer([ 0x05, 0xaa, 0xaa , 0x01, 0x00, ... ]);
var header = zcl.header(zclBuf);

// {
//     frameCntl: { frameType: 1, manufSpec: 1, direction: 0, disDefaultRsp: 0 },
//     manufCode: 43690,
//     seqNum: 1,
//     cmdId: 0,
// }