A Scrolling controller to scroll through UIViewController pages from your Storyboard. Simple config for quick and easy implementation.
- uses simple configuration protocol
- links to your storyboard's UIViewControllers by ID --> no changes required
- optional menu with live tracking
- optional controls for next, previous, close, and page
- pages can adopt optional procotol to recieve live scroller tracking
- pages can call-back to scroller methods via an optional procotol
- use auto-layout and works properly on all devices & orientations
- via Carthage: github "ziligy/JGScrollerController"
- or copy JGScrollerController folder to your project
- Create a UIViewController in Interface Builder and assign JGScrollerController as Class and scroller as Storyboard ID.
- Assign a Storyboard ID for UIViewControllers (Pages) you want to scroll.
- Create a configuration struct that adopts JGScrollerControllerConfig protocol (see example struct below).
- Present the scroller (see example code below).
// this example will display all controls
// to turn off all controls set 'show' booleans to false
struct ExampleConfigAll: JGScrollerControllerConfig {
let storyboardName = "Main"
let scrollerControllerIdentifier = "scroller"
// these are your page's Storyboard IDs
let viewControllerPageIdentifiers = [
let showPageControl = true
let showNextAndPreviousControls = true
let showCloseControl = true
let showMenu = true
let menuOrientation: ViewOrientation = .TopCenter
let menuHeight: CGFloat = 40
// empty menuImages so page numbers will display
let menuImages = [String]()
func presentScroller(scrollerConfig: JGScrollerControllerConfig) {
var scrollerController: JGScrollerController!
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: scrollerConfig.storyboardName, bundle: nil)
scrollerController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(scrollerConfig.scrollerControllerIdentifier) as! JGScrollerController
self.presentViewController(scrollerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
To include live scroller tracking on your pages adopt the JGScrollPage protocol
/// adopt this to recieve scroller status
protocol JGScrollPage {
func scrollerDidScroll(positionX positionX: CGFloat, offset: CGFloat)
func scrollerDidEndAtPage(currentPage: Int)
If you want your pages to call-back to the scroller adopt the JGScrollerControlLink protocol. Then your pages can call next, previous, gotoPage, and close methods on the scroller.
See attached Example project
- Xcode 7.2
- Swift 2
- iOS 9.0+
- example icons: google/material-design-icons
- JGTapButton the multi-purpose button included in the menu, controls, and example.