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Zimny Lech edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 7 revisions

Simple installation

Note: some features will be disabled.

  1. Click "Channel Settings" header link and select "Admin Settings".
  2. In "External Javascript" field enter JavaScript library URL given below:
  3. In "External CSS" field enter CSS library URL given below:
  4. Save changes - congratulations, your have just installed basic version of CyTube Plus!

Customized, advanced installation

  1. Open content of main.js file in a text editor.
  2. Scroll down to configuration sections and configure library according to your wishes. All options are explained for non-advanced users.
  3. Save customized JS library as well as main.css file to your file hosting (e.g. Dropbox1) or to your own server2.
  4. Enter your JS and CSS files location in "Channel Options", and save.

1Warning! Always use URL instead of
2Warning! You must be able to access .js file directly (browser's URL must contain .js extension, other extensions such .php etc. sometimes cause problems).

Additional recommended actions for more advanced users:

  1. Copy all files used by CyTube Plus (JS, CSS, images) to your own location (using my default URLs by many users may increase library responding time). Remember to change all necessary URL paths during library customization.
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