This project is job scheduling application where you can implement any job to verify your service state. At this moment implemented only Http Job to check site availability but you can add a Database checker or something else.
- Maven 3.x
- Make GNU
- Java 8
- Docker
Name | Description |
Dropwizard 1.3.11 | Application skeleton framework |
Dager 2.24 | Dependency injection framework |
Quartz 2.3.1 |
make test
This command builds project and Docker image with jar file.
Note: local port 8080 should be free for local run.
- Run in Docker container
make local-run
- If you don't have Docker locally then you can build the project (with error, but application standalone jar file will be created) and run following command to run application server locally (then push config in separate console).
make local-run-jar
- To push a new config:
- Edit dummy_config.json
- Run
make local-push-config
Run Docker container with the application inside. Now application API
available by http://localhost:8080/api/.
Logs available in docker_logs
GET /api/health (com.zingorn.monitoring.resources.HealthResource)
GET /api/v1.0/scheduler/last-runs (com.zingorn.monitoring.resources.SchedulerResource)
PUT /api/v1.0/scheduler/update-jobs (com.zingorn.monitoring.resources.SchedulerResource)
Admin UI available by http://localhost:8080/.
URL | Description | |
GET | /api/v1.0/scheduler/last-runs | Returns the last job's result reports. Each job report has at least job verdict, job elapsed time and the last run time. |
PUT | /api/v1.0/scheduler/update-jobs | You can update jobs list without application restarting. Just send JSON config in following format. |