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Enabling Kustom presets

Sarsa Murmu edited this page May 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

CandyBar supports Kustom presets, but it cannot preview them in the dashboard yet.

Enable Kustom support

  • Open AndroidManifest.xml and find this line
  • Uncomment the provider block (remove <!-- and -->)
  • Now also remove the actions that you don't want. For example, if your app is only providing Kustom widgets, you would remove the other unnecessary actions, like this
        <!-- We will keep this -->
        <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.WIDGETS" />
          But remove these lines, because our app isn't providing anything except widgets.
          You wouldn't remove the one that you need. Like if you are providing Komponents
          you wouldn't remove `<action android:name="org.kustom.provider.KOMPONENTS" />`
        <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.WALLPAPERS" />
        <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.LOCKSCREENS" />
        <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.KOMPONENTS" />
  • Kustom support is now enabled

Adding Kustom presets (widgets, wallpapers, lockscreens and komponents)

  • First of all export your preset from the respective Kustom app
  • Now go to Internal storage of your device and find the directory named Kustom
  • You would find folders like widgets, wallpapers, lockscreens and komponents
  • Now copy the preset that you have exported and put it in app/src/main/assets/<presetType>, here <presetType> is the preset type (like widgets for widgets) Example - If you have a widget, you would copy it and paste is to app/src/main/assets/widgets, and in the same way for wallpapers you would put it in app/src/main/assets/wallpapers.

Also check out <!-- CONFIG: KUSTOM --> part of dashboard_configurations.xml for modifying pack description and name.

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