Protobuf boilerplate generation framework for EKS Blueprints
Build into binary then run:
go build
Run with go:
go run main.go
-dir specify directory to search for files in. Deafults to '.'
-obj specify text file containing objects to generate. Defaults to obj.txt
-addon specify proto file to write new addons to, must already exist. Defaults to addons.proto
-clp specify proto file to write new cluster providers to, must already exist. Defaults to cluster_providers.proto
-rp specify proto file to write new resource providers to, must already exist. Defaults to resource_providers.proto
-team specify proto file to write new teams to, must already exist. Defaults to teams.proto
-rpc specify proto file to write new rpc calls to, must already exist. Defaults to cluster.proto
Running this program will generate a new rpc file at the passed in rpcfile.temp or cluster.proto.temp as default. You must then overwrite the original file with an external command.
Example overwrite command:
mv cluster.proto.temp cluster.proto