Play the game mastermind with command line visualization.
Install requirements:
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run tests:
> python3 tests/
Begin game:
> python3 mastermind/
Version 1 completed. The game includes:
- 4-color code randomly chosen as the answer code, which the player should try to guess
- tell player which 6 colors are available to choose from
- prompt player for first guess
- validate guess (used only valid colors w/ accepted name spelling, correct number of colors) with informative error messages
- player gets 11 guesses (can be repeats)
- gives RANDOMIZED feedback for each guess
- if guess is correct, end game as WIN
- if 11th guess is still wrong, end game as LOSE and SHOW ANSWER
Next steps:
- refactor so computer can play without going through human user/CLI code
- design an algorithm for the computer to play as the guesser
- CLI shows colors while user is typing
Future gameplay options:
- mid-game, you can give up and start a new game if you want
- option for no double colors