TemplateApp for Robots & Pencils
Target classes demanded:
- RPComment
- RPAnnotation
Supporting Protocol(s):
- Sustainable
Models in MVVM: (handle and hide the physical source of storage)
- ParseModel
- RESTfulModel
- UserDefaultsModel (Note that currently Parse API and RESTful API are undefined yet, ParseModel and RESTfulModel will call UserDefaultsModel for simulation.)
ViewModels in MVVM: (TBD, not required currently)
Views (ViewControllers + Views) in MVVM: (TBD, not required currently)
- StorageErrorInfo
- StorageType
UnitTest case(s) (in TemplateAppTests/TemplateAppTests.swift):
- testRPCommentSustainability
- testRPAnnotationSustainability
In-app test:
- Test.test() called by application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions) in AppDelegate.swift