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zkFold: Ethereum integration library

Integration of zkFold Symbolic smart contracts with the Ethereum blockchain. The repository contains

  • the smart contract specification;
  • user documentation for zkFold Symbolic circuits;
  • solidity implementation of the verifier contracts (in progress).

User documentation for zkFold Symbolic circuits

The user documentation contains the necessary information about the development of ZK smart contracts using zkFold Symbolic in application to the Ethereum blockchain.

What is zkFold Symbolic?

zkFold Symbolic is a subset of Haskell compilable to arithmetic circuits. It is, therefore, a high-level functional programming language that allows developers to harness the power of zero knowledge protocols for their trustless, decentralized, and privacy-preserving applications. It aims to reduce the barrier to entry in the development of zk-enhanced applications and smart contracts.

On-chain verifier specifications

zkFold Symbolic smart contract can be verified on-chain using a ZK verifier contract. Currently, we provide verifier contract Symbolic. Namely, Symbolic verifier contract verifies the statement with the public input derived from the state of the contract as well as transaction data.

You can find the Symbolic verifier specification here. Below is the snippet of the Solidity script for the Symbolic verifier contract:

// Solidity script for verifying a ZkFold Symbolic smart contract on the current transaction.
interface SymbolicERC20 {
  function _deposit(address _from, IERC20 _token, uint256 _amount) internal returns (uint256);
  function withdraw(uint256 _amount,  address _l1Token, address _l1Receiver) external {}

Write your own circuit

  1. Read the documentation on writing zkFold Symbolic circuits.
  2. Write your own circuit with zkFold Symbolic (or import one of the examples). (Ethereum support is in progress)

An example of a zkFold Symbolic smart contract:

batchTransfer ::
    forall context.  Sig context
    => Tx context
    -> Vector 5 (TxOut context, TxOut context, ByteString 256 context)
    -> Bool context
batchTransfer tx transfers =
    let -- Extract the payment credentials and verify the signatures
        pkhs       = fromJust $ toVector @5 $ map (paymentCredential . txoAddress . txiOutput) $ init $ fromVector $ txInputs tx
        condition1 = all (\(pkh, (payment, change, signature)) -> verifySignature pkh (payment, change) signature) $ zip pkhs transfers
        outputs    = zip [0..] . init . fromVector $ txOutputs tx

        -- Extract the payments from the transaction and validate them
        payments   = fromJust $ toVector @5 $ map snd $ filter (\(i, _) -> even @Integer i) outputs

        condition2 = all (\(p', (p, _, _)) -> p' == p) $ zip payments transfers

        -- Extract the changes from the transaction and validate them
        changes    = fromJust $ toVector @5 $ map snd $ filter (\(i, _) -> odd @Integer i) outputs
        condition3 = all (\(c', (_, c, _)) -> c' == c) $ zip changes transfers

    in condition1 && condition2 && condition3

Deploy a zkFold Symbolic smart contract on Ethereum

  1. Choose a suitable on-chain verifier Symbolic. (in progress)
  2. Compile the circuit and write it to a file with compileIO.
  3. Post the zkFold Symbolic smart contract on Ethereum by deploying it as a ZK verifier contract for the circuit. (in progress)

Use our API to interact with zkFold Symbolic smart contract

Symbolic verifier contract API (in progress):

  • deposit: deposits funds to the contract;
  • withdraw: withdraws funds from the contract.