This project uses BenchmarkDotnet to measure performance of parts of Wasabi implementation.
git clone
ln -s <your_wasabi_repo_directory> WalletWasabi
You can generate flamegraph to view with PerfView on Windows with the following command:
dotnet run -c Release --project ./Wasabi.Bench/WalletWasabi.Bench.csproj -- --runtimes net6.0 --filter TransactionProcessorBench --profiler ETW
Where TransactionProcessorBench
is the name of the benchmark class you are insterested in.
COMPlus_PerfMapEnabled=1 ~/GitHub/WalletWasabi/WalletWasabi.Bench/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/WalletWasabi.Bench &
sudo perf record -p $! -g
sudo perf script -f | ~/GitHub/FlameGraph/ | ~/GitHub/FlameGraph/ > flame.svg
python3 -m http.server &
And there you can pick the flamegraph.