ZK Regex Registry is an app that pools together all community created ZK Regex patterns (most for ZK Email use-cases). Project is funded by the zk-email team.
- Users can upload ZK Regex Patterns using a simple JSON formatted markup (see example)
- Users can test their ZK Email Regex Patterns directly on the UI (with the option of directly pulling emails privately from their Google accounts)
- App generates the circom circuit and an example project for testing
- App generates the assets required for proving (e.g. r1cs, wasm, zkey, vkey) and provides an API to download them
- Includes a React SDK to embed into your application for proof generation (see SDK)
--- packages
------- app (NextJS application for the registry frontend)
------- sdk (React SDK)
--- scripts (Some helper scripts to help with testing)
Install dependencies required for building circuits
- circom - installation instructions
- zk-regex - installation instructions
Copy and rename the environment variables
cp .env.local.exmaple .env.local
# update the .env.local file
export $(cat .env.local | xargs)
# Secret token used for admin endpoints
# Gmail client ID for Oauth
# Full path to the output dir that will store generated code and circuit
# Path to the ptau file used for circuit generation
# Private key for deploying contracts
# RPC URL for deploying contracts
# DKIM Registry address
# Chain ID
Run the database and seed it
# Using docker compose is the easiest
docker compose up -d db
yarn prisma db push
yarn tsx prisma/seed.ts
Second, run the development server:
cd packages/app
yarn install
yarn dev
Third, run the proof worker
yarn proof-gen
Lastly, run the circuit generator
yarn circuit-gen
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.