Data analysis of the Skyrmions aka circular objects inside a predefined geometry.
Visualization best showcases the underlying problem that we will solve in this script,so this is the problem:
Let's visualize and see what array visualizes. We have [x,y,1,3] 3 data= mx, my, mz. Let's decide what to take:
Mz seems a plausable. Now, let's define boundary where will consider the Skyrmion inside or outside of the Geometry. I will define 2 lines for boundaries.These 2 boundaries will be used for entering and leaving the geometry. The message will appear at the top of each plot to give more detailes:
More detailed script is in jupyter notebook, and also you can try a sample code with a colab, following the link. If you want to try yourself, there are files named "input" that can feed into the script: