This package was originally forked from alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda#264.
The biggest difference, besides the chromium version, is the inclusion of some code from,
as well as dropping that as a dependency. Due to some changes in WebGL, the files in bin/ need to
be extracted to /tmp
instead of /tmp/swiftshader
. This necessitated changes in lambdafs.
However, it quickly became difficult to maintain because of the pace of puppeteer
updates. This package, @sparticuz/chromium
is not chained to puppeteer
versions, but also does not include the overrides and hooks that the original package contained. It is only chromium
, as well as the special code needed to decompress the brotli package.
ships with a prefered version of chromium
In order to figure out what version of @sparticuz/chromium
you will need, please visit Puppeteer's Chromium Support page.
For example, as of today, the latest version of
. The latest version ofchromium
stated onpuppeteer
's support page is106.0.5249.0
. So you need to install@sparticuz/chromium@106
# Puppeteer or Playwright is a production dependency
npm install --save puppeteer-core@$PUPPETEER_VERSION
# @sparticuz/chromium can be a DEV dependency IF YOU ARE USING A LAYER, if you are not using a layer, use as a production dependency!
npm install --save-dev @sparticuz/chromium@$CHROMIUM_VERSION
If your vendor does not allow large deploys (
is 50+ MB), you'll need to host the chromium-v#-pack.tar
separatly and use the @sparticuz/chromium-min
npm install --save @sparticuz/chromium-min@$CHROMIUM_VERSION
If you wish to install an older version of Chromium, take a look at @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda or @alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda.
The @sparticuz/chromium version schema is as follows:
This package works with all the currently supported AWS Lambda Node.js runtimes out of the box.
const test = require("node:test");
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-core");
const chromium = require("@sparticuz/chromium");
test("Check the page title of", async (t) => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(),
headless: chromium.headless,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("");
const pageTitle = await page.title();
await browser.close();
assert.strictEqual(pageTitle, "Example Domain");
const test = require("node:test");
// Need to rename playwright's chromium object to something else
const { chromium: playwright } = require('playwright-core');
const chromium = require('@sparticuz/chromium');
test("Check the page title of", async (t) => {
const browser = await playwright.launch({
args: chromium.args,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(),
headless: chromium.headless,
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto("");
const pageTitle = await page.title();
await browser.close();
assert.strictEqual(pageTitle, "Example Domain");
You should allocate at least 512 MB of RAM to your Lambda, however 1600 MB (or more) is recommended.
The -min package DOES NOT include the chromium brotli files. There are a few instances where this is useful. Primarily, this is useful when you have file size limits.
To use the -min package please install the @sparticuz/chromium-min
When using the -min package, you need to specify the location of the brotli files.
In this example, /opt/chromium contains all the brotli files
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath("/opt/chromium"),
headless: chromium.headless,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
In the following example, contains all the brotli files. Generally, this would be a location on S3, or another very fast downloadable location, that is close to your function's execution location.
@sparticuz/chromium will download the pack tar file, untar the files to /tmp/chromium-pack, then will un-brotli the files to /tmp/chromium. The next iteration will have /tmp/chromium exist and will use the already downloaded files.
The latest chromium-pack.tar file will be on the latest release.
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(""),
headless: chromium.headless,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
Here are some example projects and help with other services
- Production Dependency
- Serverless Framework with Lambda Layer
- Chromium-min
- Webpack
- Netlify
This package will run in headless mode when NODE_ENV = "test"
. If you want to run using your own local binary, set IS_LOCAL
to anything.
Method / Property | Returns | Description |
font(url) |
{?Promise<string>} |
Provisions a custom font and returns its basename. |
args |
{!Array<string>} |
Provides a list of recommended additional Chromium flags. |
defaultViewport |
{!Object} |
Returns more sensible default viewport settings. |
executablePath(location) |
{?Promise<string>} |
Returns the path the Chromium binary was extracted to. |
headless |
{!boolean} |
Returns true if we are running on AWS Lambda or GCF. |
The Amazon Linux 2 AWS Lambda runtime is no longer provisioned with any font faces.
Because of this, this package ships with Open Sans, which supports the following scripts:
- Latin
- Greek
- Cyrillic
To provision additional fonts, simply call the font()
method with an absolute path or URL:
await chromium.font('/var/task/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf');
// or
await chromium.font('');
Noto Color Emoji
(or similar) is needed if you want to render emojis.
For URLs, it's recommended that you use a CDN, like or
This method should be invoked before launching Chromium.
On non-serverless environments, the
method is a no-op to avoid polluting the user space.
Alternatively, it's also possible to provision fonts via AWS Lambda Layers.
Simply create a directory named .fonts
and place any font faces you want there:
├── NotoColorEmoji.ttf
└── Roboto.ttf
Afterwards, you just need to ZIP the directory and upload it as a AWS Lambda Layer:
zip -9 --filesync --move --recurse-paths .fonts/
To compile your own version of Chromium check the Ansible playbook instructions.
Lambda Layers is a convenient way to manage common dependencies between different Lambda Functions.
The following set of (Linux) commands will create a layer of this package:
git clone --depth=1 && \
cd chromium && \
The above will create a
file, which can be uploaded to your Layers console. You can and should upload using the aws cli
. (Replace the variables with your own values)
bucketName="chromiumUploadBucket" && \
versionNumber="107" && \
aws s3 cp "s3://${bucketName}/chromiumLayers/chromium${versionNumber}.zip" && \
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name chromium --description "Chromium v${versionNumber}" --content "S3Bucket=${bucketName},S3Key=chromiumLayers/chromium${versionNumber}.zip" --compatible-runtimes nodejs --compatible-architectures x86_64
Alternatively, you can also download the layer artifact from one of our releases.
According to our benchmarks, it's 40% to 50% faster than using the off-the-shelf puppeteer
- Change the import or require to be
- Add the import or require for
- Change the browser launch to use the native
function - Change the
to be a function.
-const chromium = require('@sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda');
+const chromium = require("@sparticuz/chromium");
+const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-core");
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
let result = null;
let browser = null;
try {
- browser = await chromium.puppeteer.launch({
+ browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
- executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
+ executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(),
headless: chromium.headless,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
let page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(event.url || '');
result = await page.title();
} catch (error) {
return callback(error);
} finally {
if (browser !== null) {
await browser.close();
return callback(null, result);
The Chromium binary is compressed using the Brotli algorithm.
This allows us to get the best compression ratio and faster decompression times.
File | Algorithm | Level | Bytes | MiB | % | Inflation |
chromium |
- | - | 136964856 | 130.62 | - | - |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 1 | 51662087 | 49.27 | 62.28% | 1.035s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 2 | 50438352 | 48.10 | 63.17% | 1.016s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 3 | 49428459 | 47.14 | 63.91% | 0.968s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 4 | 47873978 | 45.66 | 65.05% | 0.950s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 5 | 46929422 | 44.76 | 65.74% | 0.938s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 6 | 46522529 | 44.37 | 66.03% | 0.919s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 7 | 46406406 | 44.26 | 66.12% | 0.917s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 8 | 46297917 | 44.15 | 66.20% | 0.916s |
chromium.gz |
Gzip | 9 | 46270972 | 44.13 | 66.22% | 0.968s |
chromium.gz |
Zopfli | 10 | 45089161 | 43.00 | 67.08% | 0.919s |
chromium.gz |
Zopfli | 20 | 45085868 | 43.00 | 67.08% | 0.919s |
chromium.gz |
Zopfli | 30 | 45085003 | 43.00 | 67.08% | 0.925s |
chromium.gz |
Zopfli | 40 | 45084328 | 43.00 | 67.08% | 0.921s |
chromium.gz |
Zopfli | 50 | 45084098 | 43.00 | 67.08% | 0.935s | |
Brotli | 0 | 55401211 | 52.83 | 59.55% | 0.778s | |
Brotli | 1 | 54429523 | 51.91 | 60.26% | 0.757s | |
Brotli | 2 | 46436126 | 44.28 | 66.10% | 0.659s | |
Brotli | 3 | 46122033 | 43.99 | 66.33% | 0.616s | |
Brotli | 4 | 45050239 | 42.96 | 67.11% | 0.692s | |
Brotli | 5 | 40813510 | 38.92 | 70.20% | 0.598s | |
Brotli | 6 | 40116951 | 38.26 | 70.71% | 0.601s | |
Brotli | 7 | 39302281 | 37.48 | 71.30% | 0.615s | |
Brotli | 8 | 39038303 | 37.23 | 71.50% | 0.668s | |
Brotli | 9 | 38853994 | 37.05 | 71.63% | 0.673s | |
Brotli | 10 | 36090087 | 34.42 | 73.65% | 0.765s | |
Brotli | 11 | 34820408 | 33.21 | 74.58% | 0.712s |