Plotting utilities to makes plotting in ROOT a bit easier
Includes several methods for positioning of titles, labels and defining their sizes. Furthermore, package contains functions for creation of grid of pads. There is also an testing version of the automatic legend.
To use this package in script, you first need to compile it by calling
$ make
This shell command creates two shared libraries, one called
using g++
Another called
using compiler in ROOT.
For the time being the g++
version was found much faster and therefore is recommended for both Macros, compiled Macros and ROOT programs compiled by g++
To use it put these lines to the beginning of your program:
#include "plottingHelper.h"
R__LOAD_LIBRARY( //necessary only for ROOT Macros
using namespace PlottingHelper;//pollute the namespace!
In case of some problems one can alternatively load the library created by ROOT:
#include "plottingHelper.h"
using namespace PlottingHelper;
For programs complied by g++, the library must be added to the Makefile by the standard way:
-Wl,-rpath,. -L. -lPlottingHelper
where both dots "." can be replaced by the acutall location of the dynamic library.
does nothing for compiled programs and therefore can be kept.
The header file RemoveOverlaps.h
includes function which allows to remove partially overlapping labels of the axis.
This can typically happen if the grid is plotted.
The function is typically called in the following way
RemoveOverlaps(gPad, h->GetYaxis());
Which will remove the overlaps on the vertical axis. This header only library is independent on the PlottingHelper, but can be used also together.
The code is documented by doxygen, in future the tutorial section is planned as well.