is a program to create and host an APT repo on GitHub. Yes, this means committing binaries to a repo, because why not. It wraps reprepro
with a very simple CLI.
Run apt-repo setup
. Usage is as follows.
usage: apt-repo setup [-h] --public-key PUBLIC_KEY --private-key PRIVATE_KEY --description DESCRIPTION --origin ORIGIN --label LABEL --codename CODENAME --arch ARCH [ARCH ...] --component
COMPONENT [COMPONENT ...] [--splash SPLASH] [--private]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--public-key PUBLIC_KEY
public key to copy to repo
--private-key PRIVATE_KEY
private key to sign packages with
--description DESCRIPTION
--origin ORIGIN
--label LABEL
--codename CODENAME
--arch ARCH [ARCH ...]
--component COMPONENT [COMPONENT ...]
--splash SPLASH HTML splash page for the repo
--private make repo private
All of the parameters are required and are fairly self-explanatory. The public key should be an exported file and the private key should be the private key ID in GPG.
Add some DEB files to the repo.
usage: apt-repo add [-h] name debs [debs ...]
positional arguments:
debs DEB files to add (either just their locations, or <location>:<component>)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Note: You can specify DEB files with just their filenames, or like <location>:<component>
; for example: mydeb_1.0.0-1_all.deb:main
. Architecture will be determined automatically (by reading packages' actual architecture fields; not by assuming from their names).
List the packages in the repo
usage: apt-repo list [-h] [--no-format] name positional arguments: name options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --no-format do not pretty-print list
Remove packages in the repo
usage: apt-repo remove [-h] name packages [packages ...] positional arguments: name packages packages to remove options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Getting low on space on the GitHub repo? Run the clean function
usage: apt-repo clean [-h] name positional arguments: name options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
This is largely a question about APT, not something for this project specifically, but I'll lend a hand.
If your GitHub repo is private, tell those who need access to it to generate a personal access token with repo read abilities (you can do so in the web interface, or even use a Selenium script). Then they should add the following to their /etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://<username>:<personal_access_token>@raw.githubusercontent.com/<repo_host_username>/<repo_name>/gh-pages <codename> <component>
If your GitHub repo is public, the same method can be followed (<username>:<password>
is not necessary though), or you can use this much nicer form.
deb https://<repo_host_username>.github.io/<repo_name>/ <codename> <component>
That's the whole point of GitHub pages, after all, that "nicer form".
- Files on stored GitHub can be no greater than 100 MB. This poses a significant issue for hosting APT repos, as 100 MB packages aren't too uncommon. Consider breaking your package up into multiple parts that are dependent on each other if you need to upload a package greater than 100 MB