Test playground for the final project of the 42 common core.
There is a docker-compose-prod.yml and a docker-compose-dev.yml By default, the dev version is used. To use the prod version: export TRANSCENDANCE_MODE=prod
Everything works with HTTPS. HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS. You can configure HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT in kickstart.env
- clone the repo
- launch vscode for the repo
- install the docker extension
- launch the docker compose with
make up
Because the node files are present locally, vscode can use them for intelisense so it all works great!
make react # to exec into the container, from here you can npm install etc..
make nest # for the nest container
make postgress # self explanitory
make ip # to show the ips of each container
make re # to completly remove all container/images/networks/drives from your system
npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react-ts # to install the basic setup for a react app
npm ... to add for the nest app
npm install # if there are already project files, but no node_modules
npm run dev # in the react container, to run the vite dev server with hot reloading
nest start --watch # to start the nest.js server in watchmode
When using the react+nestjs branch to launch the development env for the first time:
git clone git@github.com:znichola/ft_transcendence_test.git
cd ft_transcendence_test
make up
# in a new window navagte back to the same repo
make react
> cd react-app
> npm install
> npm run dev
# in a new window navagte back to the same repo
make nest
> cd nestjs
> npm install
> nest start --watch
# installation of prisma in the container
make nest
> cd nestjs
> npm install prisma
> npm install @prisma/client
# initialize the database after a make re or for first use
make nest
> cd nestjs
> npx prisma migrate dev
> npx prisma db seed
# to inspect the database data, run from a containerized VS Code
# by default, allows you to access localhost:5555 from your browser
make nest
> cd nestjs
> npx prisma studio
# to
make nest
> npx prisma db seed
# to
It's actaully not needed to do the steps below, but it's how you would launch vscode attached to a container.
- in the bottom right of vscode you have the blue connect button, click this
- and attach to running container, pick the react or nest container
- this is important for vscode to have acess to the node module files for code linting, completion etc..
- if you can't, open the settings UI with ctrl+shift+p then type Preferences: Open Settins (UI)
- search for docker path and add the result of $
which docker
- install vite react-ts
- install tailwind
- install prettier
- install prettier tailwind
- install react router
- install react query
- install react query dev tools
- npm i @tanstack/react-query-devtools
- https://tanstack.com/query/latest/docs/react/devtools
- install axios
- npm install axios
- https://github.com/axios/axios#installing
- install nestjs
- install prisma
- install axios
- install cookie-parser
- install jwt
- install swagger
- npm install @nestjs/swagger swagger-ui-express
- https://rehmat-sayany.medium.com/integrating-swagger-with-nestjs-a-step-by-step-guide-abd532743c43
- install class-validator and class-transformer (dto validation)
- install otplib and qrcode (google authentication setup)
- install socket.io (npm install socket.io)