A javascript library that convert an image to pointillism with HTML5 Canvas
It draws an image into a hidden canvas and perform an operation on the canvas pixels to return an arrays of points
Look at demo.html to see it in action !
// add the script
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/canvas.pointiller.js"></script>
// create a Pointiller instance
var pointiller = new Pointiller(500,500); //width and height of the canvas
// add image (after being fully loaded)
pointiller.addImage(image,500,500); //width and height of the image
// get the points
var points = pointiller.toPoints(1); // size of the points
This library does not print the result. You have use the returned array of points to draw them as you want !
: convert the image to points with fixed size
: convert the image to points with adaptive size
: exclude a color from the conversion operation
: get hidden canvas (for debug purpose)
Use it as you want :)