Bundle to integrate H5P into Symfony. This bundle is a port of the H5P Drupal module. For more info about H5P see H5P.org
This bundle was tested on Symfony 3.4
Install with composer
composer require emmedy/h5p-bundle
Enable the bundle in AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Emmedy\H5PBundle\EmmedyH5PBundle(),
Add the H5P assets to the bundle
php app/console h5p-bundle:include-assets
php app/console assets:install --symlink
Add required tables and relations to the database
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Enable the routing in routing.yml
resource: "@EmmedyH5PBundle/Resources/config/routing_demo.yml"
prefix: /
resource: "@EmmedyH5PBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
emmedy_h5p.demo is optional. It can be used as an example how to use H5P within Symfony and test if this bundle is working properly.
Configure the bundle in config.yml
. (Watch for the underscore between h5 and p)
use_permission: true # This is false by default to let the demo work out of the box.
storage_dir: h5p # Location to store all H5P libraries and files
web_dir: web # Location of the public web directory
For all configurations see Configuration.php
First add a virtual host that points to you project. Then in your browser go to http://<your virtualhost>/h5p/list
Not everything is ported yet. The following things still need to be done:
- Upload library. Currently only H5P default libraries can be selected from Hub.
- Download package
- Embed package
- Store usage data and points