Note: This is some prototype or example code for working with ElasticSearch from within R. It uses a REST and JSON interface.
RElasticSearch is an R library for reading data from an ElasticSearch index.
The following assumes an ElasticSearch index running at localhost:9200
and with an index called documents containing entries with a title and text.
Create a server:
es.server <- new('ElasticSearchServer', host='localhost', port=9200L)
Next create an index:
es.index <- new('ElasticSearchServerIndex', server=es.server, index='documents')
Let's perform a keyword match on the titles:
query(es.index, text=list(query_text='keyword'))
Finally, let's do a query search on the text:
query(es.index, query_string=list(default_field='text', query='this AND that'))
That's it!