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Multispecies Operating Model of the Gulf of Alaska

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Multispecies Operating Model of the Gulf of Alaska


This repository houses the code used to provide a multispecies spatiotemporal operating model for the Gulf of Alaska groundfish species complex. A vector autoregressive spatiotemporal model (VAST; was used to fit single-species spatiotemporal models. Catch and effort data from the Gulf of Alaska groundfish bottom trawl survey was used using data from 1996-2019. Two types of models were evaluated for each species, a model with no density covariates and a model with depth modeled as a quadratic effect. Ten-fold cross-validation was used to calculate the mean out-of-fold root-mean square error (RMSE) and the model with lower RMSE was chosen. Finally, biomass density from each selected candidate model were predicted for each species onto the spatiotemporal domain and density predictions from each species was knitted together to produce a 3D array of density predictions of dimensions: number of species, number of grid cells, number of years.

Output from this repository will feed directly to another repository,

Species Included

The species set included in the are a complex of Gulf of Alaska cods, flatfishes, and rockfishes for a total of ns = 15 species:

Scientific Name Common Name
Atheresthes stomias arrowtooth flounder
Gadus chalcogrammus Alaska or walleye pollock
Gadus macrocephalus Pacific cod
Glyptocephalus zachirus rex sole
Hippoglossoides elassodon flathead sole
Hippoglossus stenolepis Pacific halibut
Lepidopsetta bilineata southern rock sole
Lepidopsetta polyxystra northern rock sole
Microstomus pacificus Pacific Dover sole
Sebastes alutus Pacific ocean perch
Sebastes melanostictus/aleutianus blackspotted and rougheye rockfishes*
Sebastes brevispinis silvergray rockfish**
Sebastes polyspinis northern rockfish
Sebastes variabilis dusky rockfish
Sebastolobus alascanus shortspine thornyhead

*Due to identification issues between two rockfishes these two species were combined into a species group we will refer as "Sebastes B_R" (blackspotted rockfish and rougheye rockfish, respectively) hereafter.

Input Data -- Catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) Data (/data/data_survey.R)

Raw data are contained in Oyafuso's RACE_FG G drive. These are large datafiles so currently these data are stored in a shared drive only accessible to those in the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. A more public option will be integrated at a later time. Three major datasets are used to synthesize the CPUE data with the major relevant fields as follows:

  1. ~/data/data-raw/cpue_GOA_selected_spp.csv: species code, year, stratum, catch, effort, vessel ID, cruise ID, haul ID, weight, and numbers.

  2. ~/data/data-raw/haul.csv: haul-specific information including location, date, and recorded depth

  3. ~data/data-raw/species.csv: key for species codes

  4. ~data/aigoa_bathp1c/dblbnd.adf: bathymetry raster

the data_survey.R script organizes the dataset so it best matches the format of the data inputs for VAST, and outputs a .csv file called GOA_multspp.csv, a dataframe with:

Field Name Description Type
YEAR year integer
SURVEY which survey (only "GOA") character
BOTTOM_DEPTH recorded bottom depth (m) integer
SURFACE_TEMPERATURE surface temperature (degrees C) numeric
EFFORT effort (units?) numeric
WEIGHT catch weight (kg) numeric
LATITUDE latitude numeric
LONGITUDE longitude numeric
DATE date of trawl character
DAY day of trawl integer
MONTH month of trawl integer
SPECIES_NAME species name, scientific character
COMMON_NAME species name, common character
DEPTH_EFH depth from EFH layer* numeric
LOG_DEPTH_EFH log of DEPTH_EFH numeric
LOG_DEPTH_EFH_CEN LOG_DEPTH_EFH centered to a standard normal distribution numeric

*extracted from the bathymetry layer provided by the EFH work (SOURCE). While there was good agreement between the depths recorded during the trawl and the depths as extracted from the EFH bathymetry layer,

Input Data -- Spatial Domain (/data/Extrapolation_Grid_Covariates.R)

The spatial domain of the survey optimization is the Gulf of Alaska divided into a rougly 5-km resolution grid resulting in N = 22832 total cells. This script uses five spatial layers to create a dataframe of the grid cells.

  1. ~/data/shapefiles/goa_strata.shp:
  2. ~/data/shapefiles/goagrid_polygons.shp
  3. ~/data/shapefiles/GOA_ALL_nountrawl
  4. ~/data/extrapolation_grid/GOAThorsonGrid.csv
  5. ~data/aigoa_bathp1c/dblbnd.adf: EFH bathymetry raster

Depth values are extracted from the same EFH bathymetry layer used in the CPUE input data section. ~/data/Extrapolation_depths.RData is created when running this script and contains a dataframe called Extrapolation_depths consisting of N rows. Useful fields for this analysis are stated in the table below:

Field Name Description
Area_km2 num, Area of grid cell in square kilometers
Lon num, Longitude
Lat num, Latitude
Depth_EFH num, Depth in meters
E_km num, Eastings in kilometers, 5N UTM
N_km num, Northings in kilometers, 5N UTM
stratum int, Stratum ID in current STRS design
trawlable logi, is the cell trawlable?
shallower_than_700m logi, is the cell < 700 m?
shallow_trawlable logi, is the cells trawlable and < 700 m

This grid is used as the "extrapolation grid" in VAST and is the spatial resolution where VAST will predict onto:

Spatial domain of the Gulf of Alaska (black), N = 22832.

Fit VAST Model (fit_models.R)

Two types of single-species VAST models are fited for each species: without density covariates and depth included as a quadratic effect. Models used R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10), VAST version 3.6.0 (2020-09-22), and FishStatsUtils version 2.8.0 (2020-09-22). The organized CPUE data (/data/GOA_multspp.csv) and extrapolation grid (data/Extrapolation_depths.RData) are used as inputs. A modified version of the FishStatsUtils::fit_model() is used (fit_model_X_GTP). This function forces VAST to use the extracted depth values provided by the extrapolation grid, instead of what is done by default, interpolates covariate values on the extrapolation grid from observed covariate values.

Once fitted, a ten-fold cross-validation is conducted and the average out-of-fold root mean square error (RMSE) is calculated for each model. Models with lower RMSE are preferred:

Species Name Depth Excluded Depth Included
Atheresthes stomias 15705 15579
Gadus chalcogrammus 11361 12007
Gadus macrocephalus 6918 6892
Glyptocephalus zachirus 792 772
Hippoglossoides elassodon 2020 2268
Hippoglossus stenolepis 4417 4389
Lepidopsetta bilineata 1185 1209
Lepidopsetta polyxystra 1190 1227
Microstomus pacificus 592 584
Sebastes alutus 22808 22620
Sebastes B_R 1316 1225
Sebastes brevispinis 1958 1968
Sebastes polyspinis 8093 7468
Sebastes variabilis 3558 3536
Sebastolobus alascanus 639 692

The density and index predictions from the better of the two model types are knitted together into a 3-D array (dimensions: ns, N, NTime), saved in the Optimal_Allocation_GoA repository as /fit_density.RData /fit_Index.RData, respectively. The table of RMSE values are saved /within RMSE_VAST_models.RData.

Because the VAST output is too large to load on GitHub, the output is tentatively placed in Oyafuso's shared G drive (G:/Oyafuso/VAST_EFH/Single_Species/). 30 subdirectories are created (15 species x 2 model types) and fit.RData is the saved output from the fit_model() function. Results from each cross-fold are saved in their own subdirectories (CV_1, CV_2, ..., CV_10). And the version of the VAST .cpp file is also included.

Finally, the fit.RData object is used in various diagnostics plots contained in its own subdirectory called diagnostics:

  1. /diagnostics/denisty.pdf: maps predicted density across years
  2. /diagnostics/omega.png: map of average spatial effect
  3. /diagnostics/Epsilon.png: map of spatiotemporal effects
  4. /diagnostics/Aniso.png: anisometry extent
  5. /diagnostics/Data_and_knot.png: position of data and knots
  6. /diagnostics/Data_by_year.png: position of data by years
  7. /diagnostics/quantile_residuals.png: QQ DHarma residual plot
  8. /diagnostics/quantile_residuals_on_map.png: spatial distribution of DHarma residuals
  9. /diagnostics/Table_for_SS3.csv: tabulated Index w/ SEs

##Final Graphical Workflow


Multispecies Operating Model of the Gulf of Alaska






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