An awesome list that curates the best of all big and small open and closed source projects(170 in total) on Windows | MacOS | Linux | Indie operating systems, their software and more contributed by these heros.🎉
Please do not hesitate to meticulously scrutinize for any potential flaws, offer constructive feedback, collaborate on analogous projects, and bestow a coveted ⭐️ should you find this endeavor to be truly exceptional.
N. | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | windows11 |
Want to experience Windows 11 now within your browser? HTML CSS JS ~ @Rajaniraiyn |
here |
02. | windows-11-web | Awe-amazing Windows 11 clone. Oh wait, Not for your Computer, but for the web! ⚡ Preact ViteJS TS Vercel HTML CSS JS ~ @PiyushSuthar |
here |
03. | windows11 | Windows 11 using R E A C T React Redux Tailwind CSS Fontawesome SCSS JS ~ @blueedgetechno |
here |
04. | react-windows-ui | Full featured Windows fluent UI apps using ReactJS. Provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable React components that make it super easy to create websites and apps. TS SCSS HTML CSS JS ~ @VirtualVivek |
here |
05. | windows10-framework | Build full featured Windows 10 Native apps or Web apps using Html, CSS & JavaScript. Comes with rich native like components, icon sets. Used as fast prototyping tool for Windows environment platforms. SCSS HTML CSS JS ~ @VirtualVivek |
here |
06. | react-desktop | React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 React JS ~ @GabrielBull |
here |
07. | windows 8 start-page | A Windows 8 like start page, not open-source | here |
08. | winXP | Web based Windows XP desktop recreation. React JS Vercel ~ @ShizukuIchi |
here |
09. | x-webDesktop-vue | A Windows WebDesktop system based on Vue Vue JS ~ @OXOYO |
here |
10. | Windows XP | Simple Widnows XP demo with many integrated open source softwares | here |
11. | jspaint | 🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras NODEJS HTML5 Canvas CSS JS ~ @1j01 |
here |
12. | 98 | Web-based Windows-98 desktop recreation . C++ JS HTML CSS ~ @1j01 |
here |
13. | packard-belle-desktop | Building websites with packard-belle UI library and react-rnd. Inspired by Windows! HTML CSS JS ~ @padraigfl |
here |
14. | windows98-html-css-js | Windows-98 on the W E B! using HTML5, CSS3 and JS HTML CSS JS ~ @lolstring |
here |
15. | windows 98 | A simple Windows 98 display | here |
16. | windows95 | Windows-95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Electron TS Docker JS ~ @Felixrieseberg |
here |
17. | react95 | Refreshed Windows-95 style UI components for your React app. React JS ~ @Arturbien |
here |
18. | win95 | Pretty much Similar to Windows-95 experience. Downloadable file | here |
19. | Windows 93 | Web based Windows 93 experience | here |
20. | emupedia | Emulator-focused Win9X desktop. The purpose of Emupedia is to serve as a nonprofit meta-resource, hub and community for those interested mainly in video game preservation which aims to digitally collect, archive and preserve games and software to make them available online accessible by a user-friendly UI that simulates several retro operating systems for educational purposes. CSS JS ~ @Emupedia |
here |
21. | Image OS | A WIndows and Mac images simulation of operating system, previous 9 Windows OSs and 4 macOSs | here |
22. | poke95 | A Windows-95 style Pokédex(kinda game) built with React. React React95 PokeAPI Vercel HTML CSS JS ~ @Wobsoriano |
here |
23. | webamp | Winamp 2(VLC of that era) reimplemented for the browser. Objective-C Matlab TS HTML CSS JS ~ @captbaritone |
here |
24. | winampify | ⚡ A Spotify web client with an OS-looking interface and a reimplementation of the classic audio player Winamp. React emotionjs TS HTML Sass CSS JS ~ @remigallego |
here |
25. | webamp-desktop | Cross-platform (Windows, macOS and Linux) desktop version of Winamp 2.9 reimplementation. Electron JS ~ @durasj |
here |
26. | pipes | Web based C L A S S I C Windows 3D Pipes screensaver remake. ThreeJs JS ~ @1j01 |
here |
27. | 3D-FlowerBox | Web based Faithful WebGL remake of the Classic Windows-95 screensaver. HTML JS ~ @kevin-shannon |
here |
28. | zine | This project started as building a simple minesweeper clone for a job interview, but the nostalgia swept over me hard and inspired me to do something a little more ambitious. My goal is to build as faithful of a recreation of Windows-95 in the browser as I can. JS ~ @1000hz |
here |
29. | win minecraft | Play legacy minecraft game online | here |
30. | win95-media-player | Back from 1995, and running on your browser! React JS ~ @benwiley4000 |
here |
31. | js-solitaire | Classic clone of Microsoft's Solitaire game. CSS JS ~ @rjanjic |
here |
32. | ArmorAlley | A browser-based interpretation of the MS-DOS release of Armor Alley, a combat strategy game originally released in 1990 for MS-DOS PCs and the Macintosh. HTML CSS JS ~ @scottschiller |
here |
33. | winclassic | The classic Windows theme designer: a utility to help ease the development of Windows Classic themes sed SCSS HTML CSS JS ~ @tpenguinltg |
here |
34. | fileExplorer | A zero dependencies, customizable, pure Javascript widget for navigating, managing, uploading, and downloading files and folders or other hierarchical object structures on any modern web PHP PLSQL HTML CSS JS ~ @cubiclesoft |
here |
35. | clippy.js | Add Clippy(we miss you!) or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia CSS JS ~ @smore-inc |
here |
36. | wolf3d | The classic Windows game Wolfenstein-3D HTML5 CSS JS ~ @jseidelin |
here |
37. | skifree.js | The classic PC Game SkiFree, but in JS HTML CSS JS ~ @basicallydan |
here |
38. | vipercard | An open source rewrite of 1987's HyperCard TS Python HTML ~ @moltenform |
here |
39. | 7.css | A tiny CSS framework for building faithful recreations of the Windows-7 UI. SCSS JS ~ @khang-nd |
here |
40. | XP.css | A CSS framework for building faithful recreations of operating system GUIs SCSS JS ~ @botoxparty |
here |
41. | 98.css | A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs CSS JS ~ @jdan |
here |
42. | BOOTSTRA.386 | A vintage 1980s DOS inspired Twitter Bootstrap theme HTML Less CSS JS ~ @kristopolous |
here |
43. | os-gui | Retro Operating System GUI JS library CSS JS ~ @1j01 |
here |
44. | retro-fonts | All old school fonts ever to be found on the Web 1.O Internet | here |
45. | Screenshot OS | Collection of Screenshots, timelines, icons, sound, etc of all legacy Operating Systems, ever to exist. | here |
46. | vue-window | This package is an implementation of window UI for PC environment as a Vue Component. TS Vue HTML JS ~ @michitaro |
here |
47. | fake-ie | Simulate an old version of Internet Explorer on iOS TS java objective-C Starlark ruby JS ~ @partiellkorrekt |
here |
48. | bubbles | A recreation of Windows Bubbles screensaver. HTML JS ~ @khang-nd |
here |
49. | Chicago95 | A rendition of everyone's favorite 1995 Microsoft operating system for Linux. CSS python HTML JS ~ @grassmunk |
download |
50. | ui95 | 🖥 WIP: A preact implementation of Windows-95/98/ME style components and appsCSS HTML JS ~ @AshKyd |
here |
51. | Nightwave Plaza | Nightwave Plaza is a free 24/7 online 'Classic Windows' inspired vaporwave radio station. The broadcast also includes some future funk and experimental genres. We hope you enjoy. | here |
52. | geek-prank | Online Windows-XP simulator that runs in your web browser. Activate full screen and play Minesweeper, Tetris and listen to some music in Winamp. Also prank your friends by loading this site. | here |
53. | afterstep | AfterStep is a window manager for the Unix-X Window System. Originally based on the look and feel of the NeXTStep interface. C Shell C++ ~ @afterstep |
here |
54. | wmaker | Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment C Perl ~ @window-maker |
here |
55. | eat-sleep-work | A windows styled is your brand partner to be bold, be different and be interesting. We cultivate relationships and together we can change design. | here |
56. | win98-icons | Windows-98 Icons viewer | here |
57. | win95 | Windows-95 replica with a cat! Visit decades old webpage of popular sites like Apple and Google. | here |
58. | The Indie Web | A Windows GUI inspired blogging site. CSS HTML JS ~ @tholman |
here |
59. | 90's Cursor Effects | Only 90's kids remember... well not really, but these beloved effects that would follow your mouse around will always be classic reminders of the old, beloved internet. JS ~ @tholman |
here |
60. | Windows 1.0 | Here you can find everything there is to know about the 1ST VERSION of W I N D O W S. PHP |
here |
61. | Make Wordart | From its initial release on Microsoft Windows-95, WordArt has helped jazz up millions of book reports, signs, logos, and presentations. It was widely available and user-friendly, which lead to its use and abuse throughout the 90's and early 2000's. | here |
62. | Vuindows | A tribute to Windows-10 made with Vue.js Vue HTML JS ~ @marcmascarell |
here |
63. | AWGE Forum | A Windows-98 inspired web forum | here |
64. | tetrageddon | A chaotic version of Windows GUI, warning- lots of popups. | here |
65. | Windows 96 | Windows-96 is a Win9x-esque Web OS loaded with a bunch of programs and other fun stuff for you to use. | here |
66. | | An "Online Windows-7” that you can use everywhere! CSS HTML JS ~ @trungdq88 |
here |
67. | Window Manager Alpha | Window Manager (soon coming with SSH for Remote Server Control) which resembles Windows 10 UI | here |
N | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | macOS-web | This open source project aims to replicate some of the Mac OS(Monterey, at the time of writing)'s desktop experience on web, using Svelte. Svelte Vite TS Vercel SCSS HTML CSS JS ~ @PuruVJ |
here |
02. | macOS-preact | (Legacy)This open source project aims to replicate some of the Mac OS(Moneterey, at the time)'s desktop experience on web, using standard web technologies like Preact Vite TS Vercel SCSS HTML CSS JS ~ @PuruVJ |
here |
03. | playground-macOS | A Portfolio website simulating macOS's GUI, developed with React and Tailwind CSS. React Redux Tailwind CSS TS HTML JS ~ @Renovamen |
here |
04. | giantSur | 🍏 macOS Big Sur UI clone for the web built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS React Nextjs Tailwind CSS TS Docker Jest Enzyme JS ~ @soroushchehresa |
here |
04. | finder-clone | A (bare bone!) clone of the macOS "Finder" app (the macOS equivalent of Windows "File Explorer"). Built with React and Sass React SCSS Netlify HTML CSS JS ~ @guyariely |
here |
05. | react-desktop | React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 React JS ~ @gabrielbull |
here |
06. | pce | Emulates Mac Plus, IBM PC, & Atari ST in the browser using WebAssembly C Makefile Assembly JS ~ @jsdf |
here |
07. | xOS_webtop | A web based macOS inspired OS mockup | here |
08. | MacPaint | serves as a historical gallery and contemporary directory of artwork produced using Macpaint. | here |
09. | burgersoft | good old macintosh | here |
10. | Unremarkable Garden | Old Artists macintosh | here |
11. | Public Domain | Random public domain videos in macOS instances. | here |
12. | Joeyonng | Joeyonng's backyard (personal website) built to mimic the macOS Big Sur desktop SCSS HTML JS ~ @Joeyonng |
here |
Nos. | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | Ubuntu 20.04 | Personal portfolio website of theme Ubuntu 20.04, made using React.js & tailwind CSS React Tailwind CSS JS ~ @Vivek9Patel |
here |
02. | linuxWeb | A somewhat simulated linux environment inside your browser Sass Pug HTML JS ~ @Manthee1 |
here |
03. | GoodManWEN | 📕 A website simulating linux system's GUI, using theme of Deepin distro Python Vue HTML JS ~ @GoodManWEN |
here |
04. | | Operating System like linux into web-browser PHP Symfony Twig JS ~ @Mediashare |
here |
N. | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | zine | DIY E-Zine and Operating System HTML5 CSS CoffeeScript ~ @STRd6 |
here |
02. | OS.JS | OS.js is an open-source web desktop platform with a window manager, application APIs, GUI toolkit, filesystem abstractions and much more. Shell Dockerfile ejs CSS JS ~ @os-js |
here |
03. | FriendUPCloud | Friend OS is the Internet Operating System for any device, running on posix compatible hosts. Also known as the Friend Unifying Platform. C Perl PHP JS ~ @FriendUPCloud |
here, signin required |
04. | AaronOS | This is a public repository of AaronOS, so that the public can more easily suggest contributions, and so I can be more transparent in the development of aOS. PHP CSS JS ~ @MineAndCraft12 |
here |
05. | web-Desktop-environment | A web-based cross-platform desktop environment React NodeJs TS JS ~ @shmuelhizmi |
here |
06. | jQuery-Desktop | JavaScript desktop environment built with jQuery + HTML5. HTML jQuery CSS JS ~ @nathansmith |
here |
07. | serenity | SerenityOS is a love letter to '90s user interfaces with a custom Unix-like core. It flatters with sincerity by stealing beautiful ideas from various other systems C++ C shell CMake HTML JS ~ @SerenityOS |
here |
08. | curve-contract | Vyper contracts used in exchange pools. python solidity ~ @curvefi |
here |
09. | KodExplorer | A web based file manager, web IDE / browser based code editor! PHP CSS HTML JS ~ @kalcaddle |
here |
10. | virusAV | VirusAV OS - An indie OS written by Keito | here |
11. | The Poolsuite | FM, mixtapes, vacation, store in an indie web-desktop format | here |
12. | DSM | A feature-rich and intuitive NAS operating system | here |
13. | itisasifyouweredoingwork | Play It is as if you were doing work in your browser (mostly likely mobile-unfriendly, sorry (login with any credential)) CSS HTML JS ~ @pippinbarr |
here |
14. | frankenSim | Tools for Postmodern Prometheus, a web toy | here |
15. | Chiptune | God knows what is this dHTML JS |
here |
16. | | HTML5/JavaScript recreation of the original Jurassic Park movie computer system CSS HTML JS ~ @tojrobinson |
here |
17. | tildeOS | html files open in iframes, in old internet OS look | here |
18. | CloudDesk | CloudDesk is an online desktop made for multi-tasking, with multiple useful tools. It has the modern look of the Google UI, and the power of the latest codes used for web development. | here |
19. | fos | Web Components to turn your web app into a fake operating system Shell JS ~ @victorqribeiro |
here |
20. | Nirrius Creative Studio | A web-desktop inspired studio with a collection of passionate humans that build great products and unforgettable experiences. | here |
21. | NyjaOS | This is a non-linear science fiction story told through a desktop environment. Click around. Read documents. Piece together events as you go along. | here |
22. | W_Dev | this webpage is highly inspired by Ubuntu (12.04 & 18.04) and Ubuntu Touch on mobile. The site looks alike my desktop which features the adapta theme (and the paper icon pack). The icons I used here are google's material icons. | here |
23. | hacker-simulator | With this website we want to raise awareness for online security and to promote ethical hacking. Always protect your system following the guidelines recommended for a safe Internet. | here |
25. | webdesktop | WebDesktop is a Startpage for web Browsers in a funny fake Operating System interface. Designed by | here |
26. | | Windows 95 inspired & GALLERY’S MISSION IS TO SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS | here |
27. | Hyena Network | Welcome to Hyena Network. Feel free to look around. As you may have seen, they appear to look like windows... I suggest playing around with them! Since they behave much like normal windows do! | here |
28. | my-second-pc | A website that emulates a desktop environment, written in vanilla JS in 2006. This was created as a demo for the KWS library. JS ~ @koas |
here |
29. | daedalOS | Desktop environment in the browser. TS JS ~ @DustinBrett |
here |
30. | team3d | A deFi website inspired by OS, ethereum hosted. | here |
31. | We=Link: Sideways | A Chronus Art Center (CAC) exhibition inspired by Windows 95 | here |
32. | thoughtsonglitchart | hypermedia essay on the subject of glitch art. Interactive video and other parts of website as video progresses. CSS HTML JS ~ @nbriz |
here |
33. | Big Desk Energy | Big Desk Energy is whatever you make of it, so boot your laptop, turn up volume, and stay a while. | here |
34. | github95 | Your Github profile. With a Windows 95 style. Built with React 🚀 CSS HTML JS ~ @edwardpayton |
here |
35. | Fizzygum | A new web framework, an entire platform really, designed from the ground up to handle complex things easily. Put the power of an entire Operating System at your fingertips. CoffeeScript JS ~ @davidedc |
here |
36. | Puter | A web-based, cloud operating system. Store, open, and edit your files from anywhere! | here |
37. | Pluto | A minimal but functional web OS that aims to provide a desktop environment-like experience inside of a website. | here |
N. | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | Yahya J. Aifit | An indie OS format of personal website Vue |
here |
02. | Dan Yalg | A fun indie OS format of portfolio website CSS HTML JS ~ @Yalgie |
here |
03. | Try Andy's Desk | A Windows 7 inspired personal website | here |
04. | rexOS | An indie OS personal website, loves dogs and has virus.exe oh and can play snake.exe too! | here |
05. | GopalOS | A personal OS by Gopal Othayoth of CerebralDatabank™️, can install packages and apps. | here |
06. | Timothy Howard | Yet another indie OS portfolio website CSS HTML JS ~ @timhow38 |
here |
07. | Heather Vandervecht | A Windows 95-esque desktop experience portfolio site with a chat app being the main highlight. React CSS HTML JS ~ @heathervv |
here |
08. | Jack Adam | A Portfolio site that re-creates an old computer interface. CSS HTML JS ~ @jckdm |
here |
09. | Derya Antonelli | This is a retro-inspired personal OS, responsive website with client-side applications. SCSS HTML JS ~ @D-Antonelli |
here |
10. | raccOS 9 | Violet Procyon - An old macOS format of personal website of a 3d artist. | here |
11. | scumweb | An indie OS format of personal website - flexedupshawty | here |
12. | Austin Riba. | An indie OS format of personal website, terminal navigation. | here |
13. | Gustavo Chico | An indie OS format of personal website | here |
14. | Pyramis | An artists OS | here |
15. | Racer Trash | An indie OS format of personal website | here |
16. | ytcracker | An indie OS format of personal website | here |
17. | Glass Animals OPEN SOURCE | A messy Indie OS with a decent functionality and fascination. | here |
18. | Erd Yakingun | erdOS powered portfolio website TS Nuxt.js HTML JS |
here |
19. | Patrick Kage | A Windows98 inspired portfolio website CSS HTML JS ~ @pkage |
here |
20. | Hillary Churchill | A macOS inspired portfolio website | here |
21. | Gamithra Marga | A macOS inspired personal website ~ @Gamithra | here |
22. | Maple Mavic Syrup | An indie OS inspired personal website | here |
23. | basile | A yet another windows inspired personal website | here |
24. | Digital gallery X Kuba | A Windows inspired digital gallery personal website by Kuba | here |
25. | Matthew P Munger | A macOS inspired portfolio website - mattOS | here |
26. | Isaac Waller | A win98 inspired personal website. | here |
27. | Zach Caceres | This is a personal portfolio, inspired by the question: "What would the opposite of the two-color template developer blog look like?" ~ @ zcaceres | here |
28. | kim-os | Jack Kim’s OS based resume | here |
29. | Mariano Pascual | Mariano Pascual v.88 is an macOS format resume. | here |
30. | | A Windows-7 based resume CSS HTML JS ~ @melkael |
here |
31. | websiterevision2017 | This is just a total overkill revision of my personal/professional website TeX Vue Jupyter Notebook HTML JS ~ @paultopia |
here |
32. | homepage | A personal website TS CSS HTML JS ~ @v-y-l |
here |
33. | | A windows retro personal website CSS HTML JS ~ @syxanash |
here |
34. | windows7 | Windows-7 Simulation is a small project to simulate the user interface and functionalities of Windows-7 using pure web components and libraries. It supports both desktop and mobile devices. SCSS JS ~ @khang-nd |
here |
35. | Erik Bernacchi | The preposterous web portal of erik bernacchi. A portfolio site. | here |
36. | | I'm probably the coolest guy you will ever meet. We can't be friends but I can make you a website! # (516) 326-201 JS ~ @arturbien |
here |
37. | Éric Lévénez's | Éric Lévénez's site | here |
38. | Tholman | THE CURIOUS CREATIONS OF TIM HOLMAN. A cool collection of awesome projects. Ruby CSS HTML JS ~ @tholman |
here |
39. | Hannah Blair | A Windows-95 inspired portfolio website | here |
40. | Aimen Rafique–Marsh ◠‿◠ ✿ | Some kind of cool blog. Duh | here |
41. | Britney OS’99 | An OS-based website to vote Britney in a past US elections. | here |
42. | LevyTerminal | A terminal style portfolio website. | here |
N. | Identifier | Description | Live Demo/Docs |
01. | commodore-64-desktop | A desktop for the Commodore 64(one of the first operating system to exist) .NET batchfile ~ @ssshake |
- |
02. | microweb | DOS Web browser for 8088 class machines C++ C Pascal ~ @jhhoward |
here |
03. | old internet | The Old Net is an attempt to restore vintage web browsing on vintage computers. It uses the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine API and a proxy that strips out any incompatible javascript and stitches together as many links as it can. | here |
04. | the-restart-page | The Classic Restart Page - Free unlimited rebooting experience from vintage operating systems | here |
05. | nextsite | Simple HTML/CSS site mimicing some key NeXT OS(founded by Steve Jobs after he was fired from Apple) Workspace elements: CSS HTML JS ~ @juddy |
here |
06. | atari-st | Welcome to the largest Atari ST Resource on the Internet | here |
07. | WorldWideWeb | This is the first version of the NextStep WorldWideWeb application with the libWWW library. An excercise in global information availability | here |
08. | Cyberspace & Time | A classic internet web portal to time travel. | here |
09. | WWWTXT | WWWTXT digs deep and resurrects the voices of these digital pioneers as unedited, compelling, and insightful 140-character excerpts. | here |
10. | Bill's World Wide Boutique | SURF THE WEB LIKE IT'S 1999! I'm trapped in 1999 on GeoCities! I've made this time portal so you future people can visit my site. | here |
11. | Repeater 2 | is an experimental pattern drawing tool. It allows users to easily draw patterns, in a naïve 8-bit-ish style. Vue ~ @Adi Ron |
here |
12. | 56k-modem | Discord server. Someone said it’s like chat rooms from the 1990s so I just had to set one up. | here |
13. | AConfusedDragon | The classic GIFs of past decade. | here |
14. | Rimet Desktop | Windows-like WebOS with lots of themes. ~@EthanF44 | more here |
N. | Identifier | Description | Link |
01. | vim.js | JavaScript port of VIM C VimScript MakeFile Prolog C++ PS ~ @coolwanglu |
here |
02. | awesome-web-desktops | Websites, web apps, portfolios which look like desktop graphical user interfaces markdown ~ @syxanash |
here |
03. | ssshake | A list of the various projects to get vintage computers connected to the internet markdown ~ @ssshake |
- |
04. | awesome-UNIX | All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front resources and more. markdown ~ @sirredbeard |
- |
Logo | Company | Name | Rendering Engine |
Microsoft | Internet Explorer | Trident | |
Microsoft | Edge (old) | EdgeHTML | |
Microsoft | Edge | Blink | |
![]() |
Mozilla | Firefox (old) | Gecko |
Mozilla | Firefox | Quantum Gecko | |
Chrome (old) | WebKit | ||
Chrome | Blink | ||
Chromium | Blink | ||
![]() |
Opera Software | Opera (old) | Presto |
Opera Software | Opera | Blink | |
![]() |
Apple | Safari | WebKit |
Brave Software | Brave | Blink | |
Vivaldi Technologies | Vivaldi | Blink | |
Open-Source | Tor | Quantum Gecko | |
![]() |
Moonchild Productions | Pale Moon | Goanna |
Moonchild Productions | Basilisk | Goanna |
- React
- Preact
- ViteJs
- Electron
- NodeJS
- Svelte
- Netlify
- Vercel
- Docker
- JS
- TS
- PostScript
- coffeescript
- vimscript
- C
- C++
- Objective-C
- Java
- Python
- Assembly
- Makefile
- Dockerfile
- Shell
- sed
- Prolog
- Tailwind CSS
- {less}
- emotion
- threejs
- PokeAPI
- Fontawesome
- jQuery
- Matlab
For everyone, really. Here everyone can find their favourite taste of Operating System. Have fun exploring and if you find some cool projects like these which are missing here then do tell us!.
+ This repository is not meant to contain everything but only good quality stuff.
All suggestions/PR are welcome!
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