Node CLI app for analyzing a webpage with Google PageSpeed Insights.
This CLI will function for occasional testing without a key using the free tier. It is however recommended to acquire an API key from Google Developers Console.
From npm
$ npm install gpagespeed-cli -g
$ gpagespeed <url>
Optional params are supplied by --paramname=<param value>
$ gpagespeed <url> --key=<key value>
You can see a list of all alternatives on the page for Google PageSpeed standard query parameters.
$ gpagespeed <url> --key=<key> --filter_third_party_resources=<boolean> --locale=<locale> --rule=<rule> --screenshot=<boolean> --strategy=<desktop|mobile>
To prettyprint the result I'll recommend json
$ gpagespeed <url> | json
- gpagespeed The API for this module