October 17, 2019 (南开大学百年校庆纪念版)对幻灯片排版和背景图做了进一步美化
December 17, 2019 增加:南开大学课程报告模板,可用于课程大作业的报告撰写等
December 12, 2020 增加:
- 可将beamer的幻灯片显示比例由4:3调整至16:9(默认为4:3)
- 添加
两个模板对在LaTeX中常用的格式,包括itemize, enumerate, description, 图片,表格,代码,伪代码等等,都给出了示例。
LaTeX beamer style for Nankai University
- This is an unofficial LaTeX beamer style for Nankai University, the style file is
and the example file isslides.tex
. - These files are initially based on Edward Hartley's work, and @teancake from BUAA(Beihang University, 北京航空航天大学) gave a Beihang version Beamer style from that work.
- Link to Thesis Templates:
To compile the slides, use:
xelatex slides
biber slides
xelatex slides
xelatex slides
and you can get the PDF.
The default aspect ratio of beamer page is 4:3, while you can change it into 16:9 by using
For using the author-year citation format, you can compile slides-authoryear.tex
To compile the report, use:
xelatex report
biber report
xelatex report
xelatex report
and you can get the PDF.
As you have noticed, other LaTeX styles or even Markdown styles are also included in the folder single_file_model, such as typora_monokai.css
, document_model.tex
, warsaw_beamer_model.tex
and recent.tex
(with recent.bib
). They are single, simple and basic. The deepblue.sty
is a LaTeX beamer style based on nkcolor.sty
, but I don't use an image as background or logo in this style, and the theme color is deep blue.
A LaTeX theme of Python is also available. The pycolor.sty
, and the example of using this style is given by pyeg.tex
. This file use the pythonhighlight.sty
, the package is loaded by the following line:
It is then possible to include a Python snippet directly in the code using:
def f(x):
return x
It is also possible to include inline Python code in LaTeX with \pyth
The special method \pyth{__init__}...
Last but not least, you can load an external Python file with:
to display the contents of the file python_file
from line 23 to line 50.
What's more, the mcode.sty
gives a implementation to highlight MATLAB .m-code in LaTeX.