Welcome to the log4z wiki!
Log4z is an open source C++ lightweight & cross platform log library.
It provides in a C++ application log and trace debug function for 7*24h service program.
Support 64/32 of windows/linux/mac/android/iOS.
Log4z是一款开源的轻量级高性能的跨平台日志库 主要针对7*24小时服务器程序的日志输出与跟踪调试,
log4z has next iteration fnlog: https://github.com/zsummer/fn-log . used c++11. It's more beautiful than log4z.
1. MIT open source license,very liberal.
MIT开源授权 授权的限制非常小.
2. Cross Platform Linux & Windows & mac, Lightweight only one cpp sourse file one header file.
跨平台支持linux & windows & mac, 轻量级 只有一个头文件和一个cpp文件.
3. 不需要关心创建和销毁等问题 全部自动化.
4. Multi-Logger Output, Rolling File, Priority Filter, Thread Safe.
支持多日志分流,滚动日志记录, 优先级过滤, 多线程安全.
5. Screen Display Log with Different Color.
6. Support format-style and stream-style write log.
7. Support configure from file and hot update, or can direct fast work without any config.
8. High-performance, 800k lines/sec complex log input/output, 2M lines/sec single string input/output.
非常高的吞吐和序列化性能, 针对单线程和多线程下的指令级调优. 80万/sec的复杂类型的日志写入速度,和200万/sec的单一字符串写入速度.
2015-12-15 14:36:43.453 LOG_ALARM ----------------- log4z thread started! ----------------------------
2015-12-15 14:36:43.453 LOG_ALARM logger id=0 key=Main name=a.out path=./log/ level=1 display=1
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_DEBUG stream input *** LOGD LOGD LOGD LOGD *** (main.cpp):10
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_INFO stream input *** LOGI LOGI LOGI LOGI *** (main.cpp):11
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_WARN stream input *** LOGW LOGW LOGW LOGW *** (main.cpp):12
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_ERROR stream input *** LOGE LOGE LOGE LOGE *** (main.cpp):13
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_ALARM stream input *** LOGA LOGA LOGA LOGA *** (main.cpp):14
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_FATAL stream input *** LOGF LOGF LOGF LOGF *** (main.cpp):15
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_DEBUG format input *** LOGFMTD *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):20
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_INFO format input *** LOGFMTI *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):21
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_WARN format input *** LOGFMTW *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):22
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_ERROR format input *** LOGFMTE *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):23
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_ALARM format input *** LOGFMTA *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):24
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_FATAL format input *** LOGFMTF *** 123456 *** (main.cpp):25
2015-12-15 14:36:43.503 LOG_ALARM main quit ... (main.cpp):27
#include "log4z.h"
using namespace zsummer::log4z;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//start log4z
//begin test stream log input....
LOGT("stream input *** " << "LOGT LOGT LOGT LOGT" << " *** ");
LOGD("stream input *** " << "LOGD LOGD LOGD LOGD" << " *** ");
LOGI("stream input *** " << "LOGI LOGI LOGI LOGI" << " *** ");
LOGW("stream input *** " << "LOGW LOGW LOGW LOGW" << " *** ");
LOGE("stream input *** " << "LOGE LOGE LOGE LOGE" << " *** ");
LOGA("stream input *** " << "LOGA LOGA LOGA LOGA" << " *** ");
LOGF("stream input *** " << "LOGF LOGF LOGF LOGF" << " *** ");
// cannot support VC6 or VS2003
//begin test format log input....
LOGFMTT("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTT", 123456);
LOGFMTD("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTD", 123456);
LOGFMTI("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTI", 123456);
LOGFMTW("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTW", 123456);
LOGFMTE("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTE", 123456);
LOGFMTA("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTA", 123456);
LOGFMTF("format input *** %s *** %d ***", "LOGFMTF", 123456);
LOGA("main quit ...");
return 0;
Add files log4z.cpp log4z.h and compile together in the existing projects
把文件 log4z.cpp log4z.h添加到已有项目中并一起编译.
In Windows:
Open and compile log4z/vc2005/log4z.vcproj
In Linux :
cd log4z/g++
cmake .
#About The Author
Author: YaweiZhang
Mail: yawei.zhang@foxmail.com
GitHub: https://github.com/zsummer/log4z