- About SWECompare
- Screenshots
- Installation
- How to use SWECompare to compare two equation files
- How to use SWECompare to compare multiple equation files with the first
- How to use SWECompare to find unused variables
- How to use SWECompare to find unused variables that may be defined in other files
- License
SolidWorks 2023 Maker Version does not allow multiple parts to share a single global variable file. This is more than inconvenient; SWECompare is a node.js tool that tries to resolve this by comparing exported equation files accordingly.
So why not use diff? Well?
- I needed the ability to ignore missing comments.
- I needed the ability to audit for unused variables that may be in an equation file or maybe another.
- Exported files can contain different equations like "d1@Something" which needs to be ignored
SWECompare is a Node.js tool with no other dependancies; So it works as easily on Linux as it does on Windows. The only thing you must do is install node.js.
- Install Node.js
- For Node.js to recognized in your PATH, open a new terminal window.
- Run SWECompare. i.e. node SWECompare -h
Run SWECompare specifying both equation files.
For Example:
node SWECompare equationsFile1.txt equationsFile2.txt
To ignore comments that may be different, specify -ic
To compare file2 with file1 also specify -r (Valid for two files only)
Run SWECompare specifying multiple equation files.
For Example:
node SWECompare equationsFile1.txt equationsFile2.txt equationsFile3
Run SWECompare specifying a single equations files.
For Example:
node SWECompare equationsFile.txt
Run SWECompare specifying a single equations files.
For Example:
node SWECompare -v equationsFile.txt anotherEquationsFile.txt orEvenAnotherEquationsFile.txt