Crossroads is a dotnet core commandline tool packager for developers. This is a generic solution to host any application within Crossroads package executable and further launches application's executable. Developers will specify arguments such as name, icon, version etc for branding during the package generation. The specified argument name will be used to rebrand the internal application.
Crossroads allows you to:
- create an executable package.
- customise your package with a name, icon, version and other attributes
- run applications through crossroads generated package
crossroads package --name newnotepad --command "notepad"
crossroads package --name newhello --command notepad --args .\notepadtxt\abc.txt --location .\output --icon .\testicon.ico --version "2.2.2" --include ".\notepadtxt"
crossroads package --name newhello --command ".\helloworld\helloworld.exe" --location .\output --icon .\testcion.ico --version "3.0.1" --include ".\helloworld"
crossroads inspect --package ".\testapp.exe"
crossroads --help
<appname>.exe --args "new args"
dotnet build
dotnet test
dotnet test -maxcpucount:1 -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutput="..\TestResults\" -p:MergeWith="..\TestResults\coverage.json"
dotnet build -c:release
dotnet publish .\src\Crossroads\Crossroads.csproj -c:release --no-build