MongoMart is a sample application for learning the MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS.
The sample application displays items from a MongoDB database, and animates transitions between viewing all items and details for an individual item.
- Run MongoDB and load the sample dataset (details below)
- Install NodeJS:
- Run "npm install" (from the root directory of this application)
- Run "npm start" (from the root directory of this application)
- Visit "localhost:3000" to view the application
- Download and extract MongoDB:
- Ideally, add the contents of the MongoDB 'bin' directory to your PATH system variable
- Make a directory for your database files, e.g. mkdir ~/mongomart
- Start MongoDB, specifying the path for database files (to run MongoDB as a background process use the --fork option and --logpath)
mongod --dbpath ~/mongomart
- Open a new terminal window and load the MongoMart dataset
mongoimport -d test -c items data/items.json
- Ensure the items were correctly loaded into MongoDB
> db.items.find().count()