AuthWiki is a Library based platform that serves as a storage for various authentication codes where users can search for codes, read about how they work and how to apply them; as well as have access to download the codes, react and comment once they are registered.
Zuri Team Inc | I4G x Zuri Project Phase | 23-11-22
Authentication is the process of verifying a user or device before allowing access to a system or resources. In other words, authentication means confirming that a user is who they say they are. This ensures only those with authorized credentials gain access to secure systems. Authentication is one of the most common features developers working on web apps are asked to implement, yet it’s also one of the most overlooked ones. Building a safe authentication system can become a hard task, time-consuming and requires close attention to details to get it right. To reduce coding time and effort, AuthWiki provides a solution.
We’ll be providing the authentication codes for different authentication mechanisms. These codes will be available in different programming languages. Each authentication mechanism would have a clear documentation that explains how each authentication mechanism works with available code examples.
Users can register and login on the platform. Registered users can only contribute to the Auth documentation by commenting and/or reacting (like or dislike).
Authenticated users would also be able to download complete authentication codes in their programming language of choice for use.
User should be able to sign up
User should be able to login
User should be able to logout
User should be able to reset password
User should be able to receive verification email after signup
User should be able to click on verification email and get verified
User should be able to receive reset email on password reset
Auth Codes Documentation
User should be able to view documentation
Authenticated user should be able to comment on documentation
Delete comment
Edit comment
Authenticated user should be able to react (like or dislike) to auth codes documentation
Remove reaction
Role And Responsibility of Members Our team is divided into three groups:
- Product Designers
- Frontend Developers
- Backend Developers
The product designers will be responsible for coming up with mood boards, style guides, low-fidelity and high-fidelity designs of the screens as well as handling the overall user experience of the project.
- Figma
- Figjam
The frontend developers will be responsible for building the building the designs that the product designers will come up with as well as consuming the apis provided by the backend team Programming language / Framework / Technologies
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript
The backend developers will be responsible for carrying out research on authentication codes, build the projects apis and develop restrictions between registered and not registered user Programming language / Framework / Technologies
- Nodejs and express would be used to build the server.
- MongoDB would be used as our Database management system
For TeamGorilla-Auth_wiki members, follow this steps to collaborate:
Visit the Repository to the Project on Github Website:
Fork the repository:
Click the "Fork" button on the upper right corner of the Repo page.
Make a local clone:
Click on the "Code" button on the Repo page
Copy the URL for the forked Repo
Create a Folder on your Local machine / Computer for the project Workspace
Open Command prompt / Terminal in the same folder location
In your Terminal, type:
git clone
Open terminal and set upstream branch:
git remote add upstream
Pull upstream to get up to date with the original repo:
git pull upstream main
Create a new branch for the task you are working on:
git checkout -b branchName
(Make sure your branchName is descriptive in context to the feature you are working on)
(Also be sure to check which branch you are using git status before you begin working)
When you are done with your task, do:
git add
Commit your work with a message:
git commit -m "message"
(write a message that will make insight on what you pushed)
To avoid conflicts:
git pull upstream main
Then push your branch:
git push origin branchName
This creates the branch remotely and pushes to that branch on the Github
Create a new pull request:
Go to Github and create a new pull request to the main branch.
It will then be reviewed and merged into the master.
- Brandon Armand Nyamkimbi
- Olubimi Michael Olumide
- Oluwabamise Olatunji
- Omosaye Moses Iseoluwa
- Aigbiluese Ehidiamhen
- Oluwasijibomi Solola
- Erickson Akhabue
- Nwaoghor Praise
- Grace Eyiolawi
- Olayinka Ismaila
- Fridah Kawala
- Dominion Owiku
- Victor Ajayi
- Aminat Abdulwaheed
- Obe Theresa
- Ademola Ogunlalu
- Ogwu Blessing
- Ebiloma Aliyu