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Revert "Merge pull request haskell#5012 from grayjay/issue-4823"
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This reverts commit 11d8a77, reversing
changes made to 94a7374.

That change was causing failures on AppVeyor, see
haskell#5012 (comment)
  • Loading branch information
23Skidoo authored and angerman committed Feb 9, 2018
1 parent 2a37544 commit a50b16a
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Showing 16 changed files with 158 additions and 308 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module Distribution.Client.Dependency (
) where

import Distribution.Solver.Modular
( modularResolver, SolverConfig(..), PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..) )
( modularResolver, SolverConfig(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as InstalledPackageIndex
import Distribution.Client.SolverInstallPlan (SolverInstallPlan)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ resolveDependencies platform comp pkgConfigDB solver params =
$ runSolver solver (SolverConfig reordGoals cntConflicts
indGoals noReinstalls
shadowing strFlags allowBootLibs maxBkjumps enableBj
solveExes order verbosity (PruneAfterFirstSuccess False))
solveExes order verbosity)
platform comp installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
pkgConfigDB preferences constraints targets
Expand Down
125 changes: 10 additions & 115 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Distribution.Solver.Modular
( modularResolver, SolverConfig(..), PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..)) where
( modularResolver, SolverConfig(..)) where

-- Here, we try to map between the external cabal-install solver
-- interface and the internal interface that the solver actually
Expand All @@ -9,39 +9,25 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular
-- and finally, we have to convert back the resulting install
-- plan.

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Map as M
( fromListWith )
import Distribution.Compat.Graph
( IsNode(..) )
import Distribution.Compiler
( CompilerInfo )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
( Assignment, toCPs )
( toCPs )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConfiguredConversion
( convCP )
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.IndexConversion
( convPIs )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Log
( SolverFailure(..), logToProgress )
( logToProgress )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
( PN )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Solver
( SolverConfig(..), PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..), solve )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.DependencyResolver
( SolverConfig(..), solve )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePreferences
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
( PkgConfigDb )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
import Distribution.Solver.Types.Variable
import Distribution.Solver.Types.DependencyResolver
import Distribution.System
( Platform(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
Expand All @@ -52,8 +38,9 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils
-- solver. Performs the necessary translations before and after.
modularResolver :: SolverConfig -> DependencyResolver loc
modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns =
fmap (uncurry postprocess) $ -- convert install plan
solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
fmap (uncurry postprocess) $ -- convert install plan
logToProgress (solverVerbosity sc) (maxBackjumps sc) $ -- convert log format into progress format
solve sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
-- Indices have to be converted into solver-specific uniform index.
idx = convPIs os arch cinfo (shadowPkgs sc) (strongFlags sc) (solveExecutables sc) iidx sidx
Expand All @@ -71,95 +58,3 @@ modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns
-- Helper function to extract the PN from a constraint.
pcName :: PackageConstraint -> PN
pcName (PackageConstraint scope _) = scopeToPackageName scope

-- | Run 'D.S.Modular.Solver.solve' and then produce a summarized log to display
-- in the error case.
-- When there is no solution, we produce the error message by rerunning the
-- solver but making it prefer the goals from the final conflict set from the
-- first run. We also set the backjump limit to 0, so that the log stops at the
-- first backjump and is relatively short. Preferring goals from the final
-- conflict set increases the probability that the log to the first backjump
-- contains package, flag, and stanza choices that are relevant to the final
-- failure. The solver shouldn't need to choose any packages that aren't in the
-- final conflict set. (For every variable in the final conflict set, the final
-- conflict set should also contain the variable that introduced that variable.
-- The solver can then follow that chain of variables in reverse order from the
-- user target to the conflict.) However, it is possible that the conflict set
-- contains unnecessary variables.
-- Producing an error message when the solver reaches the backjump limit is more
-- complicated. There is no final conflict set, so we create one for the minimal
-- subtree containing the path that the solver took to the first backjump. This
-- conflict set helps explain why the solver reached the backjump limit, because
-- the first backjump contributes to reaching the backjump limit. Additionally,
-- the solver is much more likely to be able to finish traversing this subtree
-- before the backjump limit, since its size is linear (not exponential) in the
-- number of goal choices. We create it by pruning all children after the first
-- successful child under each node in the original tree, so that there is at
-- most one valid choice at each level. Then we use the final conflict set from
-- that run to generate an error message, as in the case where the solver found
-- that there was no solution.
-- Using the full log from a rerun of the solver ensures that the log is
-- complete, i.e., it shows the whole chain of dependencies from the user
-- targets to the conflicting packages.
solve' :: SolverConfig
-> CompilerInfo
-> Index
-> PkgConfigDb
-> (PN -> PackagePreferences)
-> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> Set PN
-> Progress String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns =
foldProgress Step createErrorMsg Done (runSolver sc)
runSolver :: SolverConfig
-> Progress String SolverFailure (Assignment, RevDepMap)
runSolver sc' =
logToProgress (solverVerbosity sc') (maxBackjumps sc') $ -- convert log format into progress format
solve sc' cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns

createErrorMsg :: SolverFailure
-> Progress String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
createErrorMsg (NoSolution cs msg) =
Fail $ rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs msg
createErrorMsg (BackjumpLimitReached msg) =
Step ("Backjump limit reached. Rerunning dependency solver to generate "
++ "a final conflict set for the search tree containing the "
++ "first backjump.") $
foldProgress Step f Done $
runSolver sc { pruneAfterFirstSuccess = PruneAfterFirstSuccess True }
f :: SolverFailure -> Progress String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
f (NoSolution cs _) = Fail $ rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs msg
f (BackjumpLimitReached _) =
-- This case is possible when the number of goals involved in
-- conflicts is greater than the backjump limit.
Fail $ msg ++ "Failed to generate a summarized dependency solver "
++ "log due to low backjump limit."

rerunSolverForErrorMsg :: ConflictSet -> String -> String
rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs finalMsg =
let sc' = sc {
goalOrder = Just (preferGoalsFromConflictSet cs)
, maxBackjumps = Just 0
in unlines ("Could not resolve dependencies:" : messages (runSolver sc'))
++ finalMsg

messages :: Progress step fail done -> [step]
messages = foldProgress (:) (const []) (const [])

-- | Goal ordering that chooses goals contained in the conflict set before
-- other goals.
preferGoalsFromConflictSet :: ConflictSet
-> Variable QPN -> Variable QPN -> Ordering
preferGoalsFromConflictSet cs =
comparing $ \v -> not $ CS.member (toVar v) cs
toVar :: Variable QPN -> Var QPN
toVar (PackageVar qpn) = P qpn
toVar (FlagVar qpn fn) = F (FN qpn fn)
toVar (StanzaVar qpn sn) = S (SN qpn sn)
53 changes: 36 additions & 17 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Log.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Log
( Log
, logToProgress
, SolverFailure(..)
) where

import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude

import Data.List as L

import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress

import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
Expand All @@ -22,22 +23,20 @@ import Distribution.Verbosity
-- Parameterized over the type of actual messages and the final result.
type Log m a = Progress m (ConflictSet, ConflictMap) a

data Exhaustiveness = Exhaustive | BackjumpLimit
messages :: Progress step fail done -> [step]
messages = foldProgress (:) (const []) (const [])

-- | Information about a dependency solver failure. It includes an error message
-- and a final conflict set, if available.
data SolverFailure =
NoSolution ConflictSet String
| BackjumpLimitReached String
data Exhaustiveness = Exhaustive | BackjumpLimitReached

-- | Postprocesses a log file. Takes as an argument a limit on allowed backjumps.
-- If the limit is 'Nothing', then infinitely many backjumps are allowed. If the
-- limit is 'Just 0', backtracking is completely disabled.
logToProgress :: Verbosity -> Maybe Int -> Log Message a -> Progress String SolverFailure a
logToProgress :: Verbosity -> Maybe Int -> Log Message a -> Progress String String a
logToProgress verbosity mbj l =
let ms = proc mbj l
mapFailure f = foldProgress Step (Fail . f) Done
in mapFailure finalError (showMessages ms) -- run with backjump limit applied
let es = proc (Just 0) l -- catch first error (always)
ms = proc mbj l
in go es es -- trace for first error
(showMessages (const True) True ms) -- run with backjump limit applied
-- Proc takes the allowed number of backjumps and a 'Progress' and explores the
-- messages until the maximum number of backjumps has been reached. It filters out
Expand All @@ -49,25 +48,45 @@ logToProgress verbosity mbj l =
proc _ (Fail (cs, cm)) = Fail (Exhaustive, cs, cm)
proc mbj' (Step x@(Failure cs Backjump) xs@(Step Leave (Step (Failure cs' Backjump) _)))
| cs == cs' = Step x (proc mbj' xs) -- repeated backjumps count as one
proc (Just 0) (Step (Failure cs Backjump) _) = Fail (BackjumpLimit, cs, mempty) -- No final conflict map available
proc (Just 0) (Step (Failure cs Backjump) _) = Fail (BackjumpLimitReached, cs, mempty) -- No final conflict map available
proc (Just n) (Step x@(Failure _ Backjump) xs) = Step x (proc (Just (n - 1)) xs)
proc mbj' (Step x xs) = Step x (proc mbj' xs)

finalError :: (Exhaustiveness, ConflictSet, ConflictMap) -> SolverFailure
finalError (exh, cs, cm) =
-- The first two arguments are both supposed to be the log up to the first error.
-- That's the error that will always be printed in case we do not find a solution.
-- We pass this log twice, because we evaluate it in parallel with the full log,
-- but we also want to retain the reference to its beginning for when we print it.
-- This trick prevents a space leak!
-- The third argument is the full log, ending with either the solution or the
-- exhaustiveness and final conflict set.
go :: Progress Message (Exhaustiveness, ConflictSet, ConflictMap) b
-> Progress Message (Exhaustiveness, ConflictSet, ConflictMap) b
-> Progress String (Exhaustiveness, ConflictSet, ConflictMap) b
-> Progress String String b
go ms (Step _ ns) (Step x xs) = Step x (go ms ns xs)
go ms r (Step x xs) = Step x (go ms r xs)
go ms (Step _ ns) r = go ms ns r
go ms (Fail (_, cs', _)) (Fail (exh, cs, cm)) = Fail $
"Could not resolve dependencies:\n" ++
unlines (messages $ showMessages (L.foldr (\ v _ -> v `CS.member` cs') True) False ms) ++
case exh of
Exhaustive ->
NoSolution cs $
"After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: "
++ showCS cm cs
showCS = if verbosity > normal
then CS.showCSWithFrequency
else CS.showCSSortedByFrequency
BackjumpLimit ->
BackjumpLimitReached $
BackjumpLimitReached ->
"Backjump limit reached (" ++ currlimit mbj ++
"change with --max-backjumps or try to run with --reorder-goals).\n"
where currlimit (Just n) = "currently " ++ show n ++ ", "
currlimit Nothing = ""
go _ _ (Done s) = Done s
go _ (Done _) (Fail _) = Fail $
-- Should not happen: Second argument is the log up to first error,
-- third one is the entire log. Therefore it should never happen that
-- the second log finishes with 'Done' and the third log with 'Fail'.
"Could not resolve dependencies; something strange happened."

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