mediathekviewweb-client for SailfishOS
- Make filters editable
- Don't show PullUp indicator if no more search results can be fetched
- Add missing space between title and URL when copying to clipboard
- Add sort-option "None" for results sorted by backend (esp. useful for
- Add as source (this is beta! Also, archive's datasets are flaky, missing various fields)
- Add ability to send URL to Vodman for downloading (needs Vodman >= 1.1.2)
- Fix lagging UI bug
- Enable copying of title as well, when copying to Clipboard
- Enable panorama mode for all pages
- Fix bug with Umlaute
- Add ability to send URL to Jupii
- Add ability to send URL to Kodimote
- Add ability to send URL to Jolla gallery
- Add ability to send URL to LLs VideoPlayer
- Add icon and banner (thanks to eLtMosen!)
- Added About-page
- Added ability to open URLs in the browser
- (Hopefully) fix bug for Jollaphones that did not clear search results
- Redesign results page
- Added sorting options to the search
- Title-only search broken
- Add "Load more"-menu to results-page to avoid querying to much, thus saving bandwith