Calculator for iOs ##features
- operators +,-,*,/,^
- order of operations: ^ > (*,/) > (+,-)
- navigate and edit expressions
- bracketing
- simple functions
- variables and constants
- mahtml output
- expression stack
- docu: german latex documentation / UML classes, sequences in dia/pdf
- XCCalc: ViewController and Xcode-project files, binds XCKernel and XCKernelTests
- XCKernel: core functionalities
- XCKernelTests: core tests
- Better View Design
- Views for ipad and other iphone models
- more special functions like x^2 log_b(x)
- ESC-Button - goto top level element
- regular division and fraction
- rational and complex numbers
- better normalizing to mathematical accurracy
- use less buttons (shift-button), get more space
##issues UIWebView sometimes produces strange output on "focused" elements. It seems to recognize numbers as links (now suppressed in css) Also tested in Safari and W3CValidator: HTML output seems okay.