Bin Wang (
Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University, US
is a light-weight open-source library for simulating flow in naturally-fractured shale-gas reservoirs based on the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) provided by SINTEF ICT ( It requires MRST to be added to the matlab path by running "startup.m".
Currently available features include:
- Explicit fracture modeling (EFM)
- 2D Embedded discrete fracture modeling (EDFM)
- Fracture mesh generation with log-LGR
- Random 2D/3D discrete natural fracture generation (ADFNE, Alghalandis, 2017)
- Arbitrary user defined sorption&transport function
- Fully implicit compositional/black-oil solver with automatic differentiation (Krogstad et al, 2015)
- Verified solver against commercial simulator (CMG)
TODO List:
- 3D EDFM verification
- Improved EDFM such as, projected EDFM (Tene et al, 2017) or compartmental EDFM (Chai, 2018)
- More verification of compositional simulation
The code is tested and developed based on MRST 2018a
. New version of MRST may cause problmes.
Example | FileName | Comments |
Case 1a/1b | Case1_MRST_EDFM/LGR_benchmark.m | Single vertical HF with EFM and EDFM |
Case 1c | Case1_MRST_EDFM/LGR_NF_benchmark.m | Single vertical HF and 3 horizontal NFs with EFM and EDFM |
Case 2 | Case2_MRST_LGR_benchmark.m | 5 vertical HFs verification case (Jiang et al, 2015) |
Case 3 | Case3_HistoryMatching_Barnett.m | 28 vertical HFs history matching case of Barnett Shale (Cao et al, 2016) |
Case 4 | Case4_NaturalFrac_Geomechanics_Barnett.m | Same with Case 3 but with non-planar HFs, random generated NFs and geomechanics effect |
Please cite this project when you using it in your project
Wang, B. MRST-Shale: An Open-Source Framework for Generic Numerical Modeling of Unconventional Shale and Tight Gas Reservoirs. Preprints 2020, 2020010080 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202001.0080.v1).
- Alghalandis, Y.F., 2017. ADFNE: Open source software for discrete fracture network engineering, two and three dimensional applications. Computers & Geosciences, 102, pp.1-11.
- Cao, P., Liu, J. and Leong, Y.K., 2016. A fully coupled multiscale shale deformation-gas transport model for the evaluation of shale gas extraction. Fuel, 178, pp.103-117.
- Chai, Z., 2018. An Efficient Method for Fractured Shale Reservoir Simulation & History Matching: The cEDFM Approach (Doctoral dissertation).
- Ţene, M., Bosma, S. B., Al Kobaisi, M. S., & Hajibeygi, H. (2017). Projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM). Advances in Water Resources, 105, 205-216.
- Jiang, J. and Younis, R.M., 2015. Numerical study of complex fracture geometries for unconventional gas reservoirs using a discrete fracture-matrix model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, pp.1174-1186.
- Krogstad, S., Lie, K.A., Møyner, O., Nilsen, H.M., Raynaud, X. and Skaflestad, B., 2015, February. MRST-AD–an open-source framework for rapid prototyping and evaluation of reservoir simulation problems. In SPE reservoir simulation symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers.