This program needs to use FFmpeg:to work
The current conversion parameters in the program are fixed:
ffmpeg -i "rtspurl" -c copy -f hls -hls_time 2.0 -hls_list_size 1 -hls_wrap 5 HlsFileStatic
Run app api in 8888 port(change it in conf app.ini)
#in windows cmd
Set Camera rtsp info with api
GET http://localhost:8888/cameras
all cameras info
POST http://localhost:8888/cameras
create new camera
"HlsFileUrl": "test.m3u8",
PATCH http://localhost:8888/camera/id
update info by id
GET http://localhost:8888/camera/start/id
Start a ffmpeg thread to convert the corresponding Rtsp to HLS
GET http://localhost:8888/camera/stop/id
Close the corresponding thread task