this rep is rebuild from The goal is to make the original project support the online multiplayer game
Ka Le on windows i5 cpu. optimizing!
For Server
cargo run --release --bin server
# or
cargo run --release --no-default-features --features headless --bin server
For Client
cargo run --release --bin client
// generate map every time when you restart game(use in test mode)
// Before game you should set to flase
pub const CLIENT_MAP_GEN: bool = true;
- W - forward
- S - backward
- A - left
- D - right
- Space - Jump
- ESC - toggle grab cursor
- T - toggle One/Thrid Person
- E - Open composite rules list
- Q - throw active toolbar object
- (Hold Left-Shift Left-Click)-rotation Cube Direction
- Load unlimited maps
- support more biomes
- Loading different materials for voxels
- More block support
- support more entities in game(like grass or animals)
- Load water
- better water displaying
- online multiplayer game(fundationally)
- display username
- save players last position stuff
- sign in with username and password
- chat system
- range voice
- load character
- better character models
- actions and expression face system
- Equipment system
- knapsack system
- Survival Mode
- UI
- toolbar
- knapsack system
- multiplayer show
- on time map
- composite system
- opmtimize UI(Show current toolbar and knapsack)
- support search
- add more formula
- more biomes support
- decorate_terrain
- task system
- manor system
- wind zone
- support load mod and interface doc
- furniture mod
- i18n
- Tools
- tp commands
- optimize
- net optimize (such as lz4)