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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'engine.third_party' #2
Hi, could you attach the full error log? I believe your screenshot contains a warning (from
yes. there is the full error log. ==================----------------------------===================== Traceback (most recent call last): 进程已结束,退出代码为 0 ==================----------------------------===================== Below is the complete code generated by gpt. I made some modifications so that it can run on Windows. ==================----------------------------===================== import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"D:\to_do_3_4_d\scene-language-main\scripts\prompts")
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from scripts.prompts.helper import *
import mitsuba as mi
import traceback
import ipdb
import random
import math
import sys
import os
from scripts.prompts.dsl_utils import register_animation
# from dsl_utils import register_animation
import scripts.prompts.mi_helper as mi_helper # such that primitive call will be implemented
import argparse
from typing import Literal, Optional
EXTRA_ENGINE_MODE = ['box', 'interior', 'exterior',
'gala3d', 'lmd', 'migc', 'loosecontrol', 'omost', 'densediffusion',
'neural'] # `densediffusion` must be the last as it modifies diffusers library
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--engine-modes', nargs='*', default=[], choices=EXTRA_ENGINE_MODE)
parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help='overwrite existing renderings')
parser.add_argument('--log-dir', type=str, default=(Path(__file__).parent / 'renderings').as_posix(), help='log directory')
parser.add_argument('--dependency-path', type=str, default=None, help='dependency path')
parser.add_argument('--program-path', type=str, default=None, help='program path')
return parser
def main():
args = get_parser().parse_args()
core(engine_modes=args.engine_modes, overwrite=args.overwrite, save_dir=args.log_dir,
dependency_path=args.dependency_path, program_path=args.program_path)
def core(engine_modes: list[Literal['neural', 'lmd', 'omost', 'loosecontrol', 'densediffusion']], overwrite: bool, save_dir: str,
dependency_path: Optional[str] = None, program_path: Optional[str] = None, root: Optional[str] = None,
tree_depths: Optional[list[int]] = None):
import torch
cuda_is_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
cuda_is_available = False
from PIL import Image
from scripts.prompts.dsl_utils import library, animation_func, set_seed
from scripts.prompts.impl_utils import create_nodes, run, redirect_logs
from engine.utils.graph_utils import strongly_connected_components, get_root, calculate_node_depths
from scripts.prompts.impl_helper import make_new_library
from scripts.prompts.prompt_helper import load_program
from scripts.prompts.impl_parse_dependency import parse_dependency
from engine.constants import ENGINE_MODE
from tu.loggers.utils import print_vcv_url
from tu.loggers.utils import setup_vi
print_vcv_url = lambda *args, **kwargs: print('[INFO]', str(args) + str(kwargs))
class Helper:
def dump_table(self, *args, **kwargs):
print('[INFO]', str(args) + str(kwargs))
def print_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
print('[INFO]', str(args) + str(kwargs))
setup_vi = lambda x: (None, Helper())
# from mi_helper import execute_from_preset
import imageio
save_dir = Path(save_dir)
vi, vi_helper = setup_vi(save_dir)
vi_debug, _ = setup_vi(save_dir / 'debug')
vi_helper.dump_table(vi, [
[vi_helper.print_url(vi_debug, verbose=False)],
[print_vcv_url(save_dir.as_posix(), verbose=False)],
], col_type='text')
if cuda_is_available and animation_func is not None:
print(f'[INFO] skipping animation on cluster')
elif animation_func is not None:
print(f'[INFO] rendering animation...')
frames = list(animation_func())
name = animation_func.__name__
final_frame_paths = []
if len(frames) > 8:
frame_skip = int(len(frames) / 8)
frames = frames[::frame_skip]
out = mi_helper.execute_from_preset(sum(frames, []), save_dir=None)
for i in range(len(frames)):
frame_save_dir = save_dir / name / f'{i:02d}'
_ = mi_helper.execute_from_preset(frames[i], save_dir=frame_save_dir.as_posix(), prev_out=out)
# TODO change `sensor_info`
traj_paths = list(sorted(frame_save_dir.glob('rendering_traj_[0-9][0-9][0-9].png')))
if i == 0:
imageio.mimsave((save_dir / f'{name}_static.gif').as_posix(), [np.asarray(Image.open(p)) for p in traj_paths], fps=4, loop=0)
out['sensors'] = {'rendering_traj_000': out['sensors']['rendering_traj_000']}
imageio.mimsave((save_dir / f'{name}_animation.gif').as_posix(), [np.asarray(Image.open(p)) for p in final_frame_paths], fps=len(final_frame_paths) / 2,
if root is not None:
elif dependency_path is not None:
root_node_ref, library_equiv_alt = parse_dependency(load_program(dependency_path))
root = root_node_ref.name
root = None
library_equiv = create_nodes(roots=[root] if root is not None else None)
success = True
if success:
if root is None:
root = get_root(library_equiv)
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [['Parsed root from program.']])
except Exception as e:
# sometimes a function is implemented but never used, so there is no shared ancestor
print('[ERROR] cannot find root', e)
success = False
if not success:
if dependency_path is not None:
from scripts.prompts.sketch_helper import transfer_dependency_to_library
library_equiv = transfer_dependency_to_library(library_equiv_alt)
root = get_root(library_equiv)
success = True
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [['Parsed root from dependency.']])
except Exception as e:
print('[ERROR] cannot transfer dependency', e)
if not success:
root = None
for name, node in library_equiv.items(): # do we need this? or just pick the last node?
if len(node.parents) == 0 and len(node.children) > 0:
root = name
if root is not None:
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [['Picked root with 0 parent and >=1 child from library.']])
if root is None:
root = next(reversed(library.keys()))
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [['Last resort; picked last node from library.']])
scc = strongly_connected_components(library_equiv)
vi_helper.dump_table(vi, [[f'root function name: {root}'], [f'{scc=}']])
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [[f'root function name: {root}'], [f'{scc=}']])
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [[
'' if dependency_path is None else load_program(dependency_path),
'' if program_path is None else load_program(program_path)
]], col_names=['dependency', 'program'])
print(f'[INFO] executing `{root}`...')
# out = run(root, save_dir=save_dir.as_posix(), preset_id='table')
new_library = make_new_library(library=library, library_equiv=library_equiv, tree_depth=float("inf"), engine_mode='interior', root=root)
with set_seed(0):
# frame = library_call(root)
frame = new_library[root]['__target__']()
out = mi_helper.execute_from_preset(frame, save_dir=None, preset_id='rover_background') # compute normalization and sensors
out = run(root, save_dir=save_dir.as_posix(), preset_id='rover_background', overwrite=overwrite, prev_out=out, new_library=new_library)
print(f'[INFO] executing `{root}` done!')
for name in library.keys():
continue # FIXME
node_save_dir = Path(__file__).parent / 'nodes' / name
node_save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with redirect_logs((node_save_dir / f'log.txt').as_posix()):
print(f'[INFO] executing `{name}`...')
with set_seed(0):
frame = library_call(name)
except Exception:
print(f'[ERROR] failed to execute `{name}`')
_ = execute_from_preset(frame, save_dir=node_save_dir.as_posix(), preset_id='indoors_no_window', # preset_id='table',
sensors={k: v for k, v in out['sensors'].items() if 'traj' not in k})
print(f'[INFO] executing `{name}` done!')
# change the function implementation from `primitive_call` for mitsuba to for other engines
node_depths = calculate_node_depths(library_equiv, root=root)
max_tree_depth = max(node_depths.values())
except Exception as e:
import traceback;
max_tree_depth = -1
if next(iter(library.values()))['docstring'].startswith('{'):
tree_depths = [-1]
elif tree_depths is None:
tree_depths = list(range(max_tree_depth + 1))
extra_frame_paths: dict[tuple[str, int], list[Path]] = {}
def load_image(path: Path, resolution: int = 512):
image = Image.open(path.as_posix())
# image = image.resize((resolution, int(resolution * image.height / image.width)), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
image = image.resize((resolution, resolution), resample=Image.BILINEAR).convert('RGB')
return image
for engine_mode in EXTRA_ENGINE_MODE:
if engine_mode not in engine_modes:
if engine_mode not in ['box', 'interior', 'exterior'] and not cuda_is_available:
print(f'[INFO] running with {engine_mode}')
for tree_depth in tree_depths:
new_library = make_new_library(
print(f'[INFO] running with {tree_depth=} new library {new_library.keys()}')
extra_out = run(root, save_dir=save_dir.as_posix(), preset_id='rover_background',
engine_mode=engine_mode, prev_out=out,
extra_frame_paths[(engine_mode, tree_depth)] = extra_out['final_frame_paths']
for frame_ind, images_to_concat in enumerate(zip(*filter(None, extra_out['seq_name_to_frame_paths'].values()))):
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [[f'engine_mode_{engine_mode}_tree_depth_{tree_depth}_viewpoint_{frame_ind:02d}']])
vi_helper.dump_table(vi_debug, [list(map(load_image, images_to_concat))])
# for tree_depth in np.linspace(0, max(max_tree_depth, 0), num=min(5, max(max_tree_depth, 0) + 1), dtype=int):
# depth_candidates = list(range(max(max_tree_depth + 1, 1))) # when max_tree_depth == -1, still execute the loop once
depth_candidates = [0] if len(tree_depths) == 0 else tree_depths
if len(depth_candidates) > 5:
depth_candidates = depth_candidates[:4] + [depth_candidates[-1]]
for tree_depth in depth_candidates:
vi_helper.dump_table(vi, [[f'starting tree_depth={tree_depth:02d}']])
runtime_engine_modes = [ENGINE_MODE]
frame_paths_to_show = [out['final_frame_paths']]
for engine_mode in EXTRA_ENGINE_MODE:
if len(extra_frame_paths.get((engine_mode, tree_depth), [])) == 0:
frame_paths_to_show.append(extra_frame_paths[(engine_mode, tree_depth)])
for frame_ind, images_to_concat in enumerate(zip(*frame_paths_to_show)):
vi_helper.dump_table(vi, [[f'tree_depth={tree_depth:02d}, viewpoint={frame_ind:02d}']])
vi_helper.dump_table(vi, [list(map(load_image, images_to_concat))], col_names=[*runtime_engine_modes])
# for p in sum(seq_name_to_frame_paths.values(), []):
# p.unlink()
from scripts.prompts.helper import *
def can(radius: float, height: float) -> Shape:
return primitive_call('cylinder', color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), shape_kwargs={'radius': radius, 'p0': (0, 0, 0), 'p1': (0, height, 0)})
def can_pack(radius: float, height: float, num_rows: int, num_cols: int) -> Shape:
def loop_fn(row) -> Shape:
def inner_loop_fn(col) -> Shape:
x_offset = col * 2.5 * radius
z_offset = row * 2.5 * radius
can_shape = library_call('can', radius=radius, height=height)
return transform_shape(can_shape, translation_matrix((x_offset, 0, z_offset)))
return loop(num_cols, inner_loop_fn)
return loop(num_rows, loop_fn)
def soda_pack() -> Shape:
radius = 0.07
height = 0.12
num_rows = 2
num_cols = 3
return library_call('can_pack', radius=radius, height=height, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
extype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
# ipdb.post_mortem(tb) ==================----------------------------===================== Looking forward to your answer. |
I don't know why, but I still ran it successfully even though the code reported an error. Thanks to the author for his nice work. By the way, if you want to run it on Windows, you need to add the following statement at the beginning of the impl.py file and run the impl.py to generate the renderings folder and the corresponding .git file. # impl.py
import os
os.environ['ENGINE_MODE'] = "exposed"
os.environ['DEBUG'] = '0'
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"D:\to_do_3_4_d\scene-language-main\scripts\prompts") Interesting spider ~ |
I also meet the same error, do you know why this happend? Thank you: Critical Dr.Jit compiler failure: cuda_check(): API error 0718 (CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PC): "invalid program counter" in /project/ext/drjit-core/src/eval.cpp:395. |
When I use mitsuba3.6.0 and it gave me AttributeError: module 'mitsuba' has no attribute 'Sensor' ubuntu system |
Hi @WarrenZZZZL, thanks for reporting the error. Could you please attach the full error log after switching to |
sclg) lzha0538@gpu1-3w-1: Traceback (most recent call last): Critical Dr.Jit compiler failure: cuda_check(): API error 0718 (CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PC): "invalid program counter" in /project/ext/drjit-core/src/eval.cpp:395. |
Hello, I'm facing the same problem, ( No module named 'engine.third_party' ) |
lack of omost seemed to be a warning, so the problem is the exception in execute_out.txt ? chess_set() missing 1 required positional argument: 'square_size' or Traceback (most recent call last): |
Hi @WarrenZZZZL it seems that the error comes from mitsuba installation. Could you please test if the following runs successfully? import mitsuba as mi
print(mi.Sensor) This is to test if mitsuba is correctly installed. |
Hi @weiyuemin, The error here is that the root function takes in a keyword argument without providing the default values. In the current implementation, the root function
Please let me know if the issue persists. Thanks! |
I encountered an issue while trying to use the project. I received a ModuleNotFoundError when attempting to import the ‘engine.third_party’ module.
OS: Windows 11
Python version: 3.11
I use this command "python scripts/run.py --tasks ./resources/examples/* --cond image --temperature 0.8".
when I run impl.py which generated by LLM, and I meet this Error.

I can't find third_party module in this project.

Thank you for your time and assistance!
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: