🐼 A daily journey of honing my programming skills and documenting my insights solutions and std solutions.
I categorize problems based on their optimal solution algorithm. If there's no fixed algorithm, I label it as a trick (requiring creativity, no template algorithm). If a problem isn't listed in the summary table, it means it's simple enough to complete during my sophomore year.
Scripts folder is used to store my accepted code. Feel free to copy it for submission, but I recommend reading my code and insights before writing your own solution.
I use languages such as C, CPP, Python3, Java, and GO depending on my preference.
Filenames with xxx_std indicate that I've used someone else's code, either because the question is easy, the implementation is straightforward (I'm feeling lazy), or the problem is too difficult. I often use grandyang's code !, and I'm grateful for his help!
Insights folder contains records of my insights for each problem. If you're having trouble understanding the code, refer to the corresponding insight file (note that my solutions might not always be the best).
Year_Month folder contains the daily challenge on LeetCode. I complete the weekday problems, and the Readme in this folder provides insights.
Hard to associate them with a fixed algorithm
- 91 Decode Ways
- 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
- 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 141 Linked List Cycle
- 166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal
- 169 Majority Element
- 177 Nth Highest Salary
- 179 Largest Number
- 185 Department Top Three Salaries
- 192 Word Frequency
- 194 Transpose File
- 199 Binary Tree Right Side View
- 214 Shortest Palindrome
- 218 The Skyline Problem
- 233 Number of Digit One
- 239 Sliding Window Maximum
- 240 Search a 2D Matrix II
- 287 Find the Duplicate Number
- 420 Strong Password Checker
- 421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
- 456 132 Pattern
- 458 Poor Pigs
- 472 Concatenated Words
- 479 Largest Palindrome Product
- 502 IPO
- 516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence == LCS
- 517 Super Washing Machines
- 523 Continuous Subarray Sum
- 542 01 Matrix
- 546 Remove Boxes
- 591 Tag Validator
- 632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists
- 1044 Longest Duplicate Substring